Popcorn, more delicious if you eat them with … chopsticks?


It certainly happened to us: things we have always loved, over time, they do not produce the same pleasure anymore. It's because of the routine. But an experiment conducted by the University of Chicago found the solution. The researchers asked a group of more than sixty volunteers to eat popcorn. But half of them had to do it with their hands, and the rest of them using chopsticks.

And the results revealed that those who had used chopsticks said that popcorn tastes better than other times. What was the reason for this feeling? According to the authors of the study, when they used chopsticks, they needed to be more aware of what they were doing, and that made them indirectly more sensitive to their taste.

They then repeated the experiment by drinking water from other volunteers. Half had to do it in a glass glass, and the rest in a martini glass. Again, those in the second group claimed that the water was cooler and more delicious.

According to the researchers, these little tricks that involve breaking a routine, bring our minds to focus more on what we do and on the sensations causes, making popcorn to know us almost as well as the first time we ate them.


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