LeBron James new Lakers player



The star striker of Cleveland Cavaliers, LeBron James who had been left as a free agent, agreed to a contract of four years, $ 154 million with the Los Angeles Lakers announced Klutch Sports Group.

Klutch which represents many stars of the NBA including James put an end to weeks of uncertainty and speculation on the future of the player, who had reached its climax this Saturday, when it was announced that he had become a free agent.

According to lka ] information, the fourth year of the player's contract, 33 years old, will be optional and will be at the discretion of James

This is the longest agreement that 39 he reached James since the age of six years related to the heat of Miami and the one that ended in 2010. [19659002] LeBron James had expressed his intention to end his career with the Cavaliers the team that he considered his home, with which he had made himself known and to which he had rendered four

As expected, James, who was 14 times All Star refused to execute the option of the last year of contract, which became Saturday free agent without restrictions.

The MVP four times (MVP) league was insured with the Cavaliers a contract of $ 35.6 million for the season 2018-19.

The Cavaliers could have offered James the maximum contract of five years and $ 207 million, while any other team could give him only four seasons and 152 million.

James leaving C avs leading almost all major statistical categories: games played, points, rebounds, audience and interceptions


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