8 simple but effective tips for your Google searches


If you're constantly using the Google search engine, we recommend taking into account 8 very simple tips that will help you improve the results.

The Google search engine is an authentic hi when we urgently need to find information. However, sometimes the results are not as expected and we have to break our heads more than we want to have a successful search.

The truth is that Google has significantly improved this engine in recent years, being already able to detect even if you suffer from depression through your research. The company knows that this tool is used by most people to find information, and wants to lend a hand to those who suffer from problems.

These 8 simple tips will become your allies in Google searches

If you are one of those who use Google Chrome, especially its private browsing mode, you should keep in mind that this option does not work. Is not as reliable as she looks. On the positive side of this browser, lets you know if your password has been stolen simply by using the appropriate extension.

All these tools will help you better use Google, but did you know that there are tips for your search engine? That's right, you can find below 8 simple tips that will give you a hand to significantly improve all your research.

8 simple tips for your searches on Google

we need to quickly find some data in Google. But, why do not you get what you want in the first results? What are you doing wrong? Well, just follow the following 8 tips to effectively improve this research.

The score does not matter

The spelling is an important factor in the writing, but not for Google . Your search engine does not include uppercase, lowercase or accents, so it's not necessary to use them when writing in the search bar. In addition, if you type a spelling error, the spelling checker will look directly for the correct form of the word

The relevance of citations

As Life Hacker points out, if you want to search for exact expressions in Google, better is to resort to the quotes. Simply enter between these typographic signs the exact words with the order you want to search and so you will see the results.

Putting quotes into the words you want to search will help you improve the results. Your search, Google will directly omit other results that include the same words but in a different order or with other terms in between.

How to remove a word from the results

Just as you can search for exact terms in Google, so you can avoid certain terms in the results. As in the previous round, on this occasion you will also have to use a spelling to get it.

To delete some words from the results you will have to write a script right in front of them. For example, if you want to search for American series without HBO appearing, you will need to look for the following items: "American series -HBO", without quotation marks.

Have you forgotten a few words? Do it like this

There are times when we urgently want to find the name of a song that we just heard on the radio, for example, but we do not We do not have the complete lyrics. For these annoying cases Google has the perfect solution: you have to use the asterisk.

If you can not remember all the exact words of a sentence, the trick is to put the asterisk (*) just in place of the forgotten terms. For example, the mythical "Touch it again, Sam" would be something like * " again, Sam", ** if you do not remember the verb.

Use all possible settings

When you search on Google, the search engine gives you the ability to adjust the results to the maximum with a series of options. As they explain from the BBC, thanks to the advanced search you can search according to the date of publication, the format of the image, and so on.

Here are 10 simple tips for improving your Google search. Debate

So you can search for a specific website

To search only on the web that you want, you will have to use "site:" . For example, if you only want to search this article only in Urban Tecno, you will have to write the following in the search bar: "8 tips Google site: urbantecno.com".

Searching in a Numeric Interval

Limiting the Results of a search with your own conditions is possible if you know how. This option is highly recommended for to put an interval in the price of a product you want to buy, for example. In this way you will have to write "HP Computer 400 € .. 500 €".

As you can see, you have to write two dots between the two prices. This function is also used to put an interval between the dates, measures or characteristics of the product you are looking for.

Searching for linked pages is possible

Finally, if you want to search for web pages similar to those you already know, you will need to use the "related:" formula. In case you want to find sites that look like Urban Tecno, search for Google "related: urbantecno.com" and you will get the perfect results.

These 8 tips will allow you to access more precisely the results you want to get As you can see, they are varied and each of them corresponds to a different type of search. Keep them in mind and start improving your Google search.

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