I call all Mexicans to reconciliation: AMLO


In his first speech as virtual president-elect, Andrés Manuel López Obrador called for reconciliation.

"Friends, friends, it is a historic day, it will be a memorable night, a major majority of citizens decided to start the fourth transformation of public life in Mexico," he said at the time of 39, a press conference. Mexico.

"I express my respect to those who voted for other candidates, the same manifesto for the three candidates for the Presidency of the Republic.At today they recognized our triumph and our victory."

In addition, he promised to respect the autonomy of the Bank of Mexico and maintain fiscal and fiscal discipline; and stressed that the eradication of corruption and impunity will be the main priority of his government.

Subsequently, López Obrador went to Zócalo, where crowds filled the square. There, he promised that he would not miss them.

"I assure you, I will not miss you, you will not be disappointed, I am very conscious of my historical responsibility, I want to go into history as a good Mexican president," he then said. that hundreds of thousands of people applauded, They chanted their name and president

"Today ends one step and we will start another step, we will triumph and now we will transform Mexico, I will devote myself right now until the first of December to do the inauguration, all that I will devote this period to working with the members of the new cabinet to develop the projects, not to waste time, to refine what we are going to put it into practice so we can start working. "

The quick account showed that Morena's candidate would have taken between 53 and 53.8% of the votes, said INE President, Lorenzo Córdova , in a messag e of the national chain.

In second place is the flag-bearer of the alliance "Por México al Frente", Ricardo Anaya, with between 22.1 and 22.8; He is followed by the coalition candidate "Todos por México", José Antonio Meade, with between 15.7 and 16.3, and the last place is the independent Jaime Rodríguez Calderón & el Bronco & # 39; 39, with 5.3 and 5.5.

The percentage of participation is estimated between 62.9 and 67.8% of the nominal list.

"I want to take advantage of this space to send my special thanks to the citizens who accepted the invitation to sit in the polling station," said Córdova. "Congratulations to all, congratulations to Mexico."

Previously, in an unprecedented event, the three rivals of Tabasco recognized their triumph.

"I acknowledge your triumph, I express my congratulations and I wish you every success," said Anaya, adding that she spoke on the phone with Morena's candidate.

After the closing of the polls, El Financiero published his exit poll, where candidate Morena added 49%; Anaya, 27 percent; Meade, 18 percent; and Rodríguez Calderón, 6 percent.

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