Criticize Bezos and congratulate Gates in Seattle


SEATTLE (AP) – The region of Seattle is home to the two richest Americans, but their local legacies to date represent two very distinct eras for the city.

Jeff Bezos of Amazon Rising Rents and Congestion in the City, Bill Gates is generally admired for his contribution to the leadership of the Revolution 39, computer and donate billions of dollars in philanthropy.

The confusing legacy of Microsoft here includes the opening of the world's largest private charity on the other side of the street Space Needle with the creation of homes for needy families and support for charter schools.

Microsoft was the first technology company to radically change the economy of the region, which has experienced rapid growth in the world. 1980 and 1990. At the present time, Seattle is experiencing a new boom with real estate prices that have soared thanks to the explosive growth of Amazon, the giant of online sales, which brought tens of thousands of well paid workers to the area.

Bezos was the point of light of the tensions that accompany success. The city council recently approved – and then quickly canceled – a tax on big employers to fight homelessness, which Amazon has opposed and eliminated effectively. A counselor organized demonstrations in front of Amazonian real estate with people carrying signs saying "Taxes to Bezos".

Photo: AP

For his part, Gates largely escaped criticism directed against Bezos and other major technology leaders at a time when Seattle openly discusses how to address the pros and cons of being the city the most dynamic of the United States. United

According to observers, Gates enjoys being a local and leading philanthropist in the world.

Margaret O. Mara, a historian and professor at the University of Washington, said that Gates came from an important Seattle family. and gained notoriety when there were fewer concerns about privacy on the internet.

"He is really a different public person," said O. Mara. "He recognized the importance of this responsibility, of this broader civil liability, that he has great power to influence unbelievably, to deploy his intellect and his power of persuasion for good."

Photo: AP

At first, there were some critics that Gates and his company might be better companies with the take-off of Microsoft. But thanks to the billions of dollars he gives every year, Gates has managed to avoid the reputation of a highly concentrated and stingy technology billionaire, although his controversial philanthropic work focused on the evolution of school systems Americans did not go unnoticed at home.

In this article:

  • Seattle
  • United States
  • Bill Gates
  • Jeff Bezos
  • amazon

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