He dragged; Andrés Manuel López Obrador, President



Andrés Manuel López Obrador triumphed yesterday in the Mexican presidential election with 53.8% of the vote, according to the quick count that was released last night by the National Institute Electoral (INE). [19659003] When the closing of the polls officially ended, their main opponents, Jose Antonio Meade and Ricardo Anaya, recognized the victory of Morena's aspirant and wished him success.

At 23:00, Lorenzo Cordova Vianello, President of the President L & # 39; INE, issued the message confirming the trend in favor of candidate López Obrador, and immediately after, President Enrique Peña Nieto congratulated him and offered his support for an orderly transition.

In his first speech as virtual president-elect, López Obrador called on all Mexicans to reconciliation and announced that there would be profound changes, but with membership in the country. established legal order.

He assured that there would be freedom of and, in economic matters, the autonomy of Banco de México will be respected and financial and fiscal discipline will be maintained.

He stated that commitments made with domestic and foreign companies and banks will be recognized. Energy sector contracts will be reviewed to prevent acts of corruption.

In Zócalo of the capital said that Alfonso Romo, Marcelo Ebrard, Olga Sánchez and Tatiana Clouthier, among others, will be in charge of the transition. He announced that tomorrow at 11 am he will have a first meeting at the National Palace with President Peña Nieto.

AMLO calls for reconciliation; "Beginning the fourth transformation of public life in Mexico"

In 29 minutes, between 20:10 and 20:39 and before knowing the account of the INE, Meade and Anaya recognized the triumph of Tabasco; he expressed his respect.

In his prompt account, the National Electoral Institute granted Andrés Manuel López Obrador, candidate Morena-PT-PES 53.8% of the votes of a 62 , 9% and 63.8% of the voters lists and he has been described as the next president of Mexico.

José Antonio Meade and Ricardo Anaya, losing candidates, adopted new political manners and raised their hands at Tabasco.

Immediately after the advisor The President of INE, Lorenzo Cordova, made public the quick count of 7,787 cases, President Enrique Peña Nieto issued a message in which he assured López Obrador and his team of an orderly transition.

In his first formal speech as a winner, López Obrador declared that he respected the candidates who acknowledged his defeat and called for reconciliation and placing above and above personal interests. best interests and record or the maxim of Vicente Guerrero: "The Patria es primero."

He made special thanks to President Peña Nieto, who "treated me better" than Vicente Fox and Felipe Calderón.

The sum of the votes – of a process that has unfolded peacefully, will lead to Mexico, from December 1 of this year to a third alternation in 18 years, for the first time to the left socialist and nationalist.

According to López Obrador, approved the meaning of the proverb "the third is the vanquished", his government (2018-2024) will be comparable to what happened in the independence of 1810, the reform of 1859 and the revolution of 1910. Will it be said yesterday by López Obrador in his first triumphant tour of his country house in the district of Colonia a la Alameda, "the fourth transformation of public life in Mexico."

The proposals made by López Obrador during the campaign, they predict that Mexico will experience in addition to the rnancia, the first political transition. A new political era on the sidelines of the PRI, PAN and PRD, and with Morena in front, officially registered as a political party on July 9, 2014.

The effect López Obrador has brought Morena to take the lead in five of the nine gubernatas at stake – Mexico City, Tabasco, Chiapas, Morelos and Veracruz-; Guanajuato, Puebla and Yucatán for the PAN and Jalisco for the Citizen Movement. And also led in the Union Congress.

At 20:10, from PRI National Headquarters, José Antonio Meade ushered in a new form of democratic ways in Mexico. Without official results, excited, dignified, generous, like a tennis player who approaches the net and always defeated shakes the hand of his winning opponent, he says:

"Voting trends do not favor us, we will have to wait for the final results … according to the trends, that is Andrés Manuel López Obrador who has obtained the majority, he will have the responsibility to direct the executive power and for the good of Mexico I wish him the greatest success "

Twenty-nine minutes later from Meade's recognition, the turn was Ricardo Anaya, this one as a fencer accepted defeat:

" As I did it over the phone there was a few minutes I speak to him, I recognize his triumph, I express my congratulations and wish him the best of success for the good of Mexico. "

President Enrique Peña Nieto, who will deliver the presidential belt to López Obrador in as President 57 of Mexico At night, on national television, he had been informed by telephone with Lopez Obrador. And he congratulated him

The radicalization that took place during the campaign, with dissimilar and conflictual positions, mainly between what López Obrador had promised and the positions of Meade, candidate of the PRI-Verde-Panal, and Anaya , representative of the PAN-PRD and MC, materialized yesterday by a war of polls.

Polling day officially opened at the INE with a ceremony presided over by its owner, Lorenzo Córdova, who chose to tie a pink tie, which identifies the electoral authority and therefore stands dissociate from any hint of partisan colors.

In his initial message, Cordova, son of Arnaldo Córdova, intellectual, who was elected to the Legislature by the United Socialist Party of Mexico (1982-1985) yesterday as "party of democracy".


Tamal boats were still not placed in the southern corners of the city when López Obrador left his home course at the base box and 1 Coyoacan's adjoining section 0359. [19659003] Eight minutes after seven, he climbed the automatic white sedan. Twenty minutes later, he arrived at the box, which was obviously not yet installed and that it did until 8:30.

Alone, Beatriz Gutiérrez Müller, his wife, with his son, Jesús Ernesto, arrived at the box. the eldest sons of the presidential candidate, José Ramón, Andrés Manuel and Gonzalo, all three like their father, in costume, but without tie.

Nearly nine o'clock in the morning, López Obrador, parsimonious nailed the ballots to the corresponding polls. And when he left the box he mentioned that yesterday would be a historic day, because citizens will choose more than the same or fourth transformation of public life in the country.

López Obrador did not vote for him. He said that he had done it for Rosario Ibarra de Piedra, the woman who, since 1973, was looking for her son Jesus, disappeared in the context of the dirty war. Ibarra was the head of the presidency of the National Democratic Convention, convened by the EZLN in August 1994; Post "Mother" of the sub-commander Marcos and known in the area of ​​influence of this armed group in Chiapas as "Mama Piedra".

"I will vote for Rosario Ibarra de Piedra, who is a social fighter … I want to pay tribute to her She is an extraordinary woman," said López Obrador

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