Amazon will double its volume of employees in Spain. This is what the company announced a few days before one of the most tense moments of the year.

For the first time in its history, Amazon Spain revealed how much it has invested in Spain: 1,100 million euros since landing in 2010 Similarly, said that it will employ 1,600 permanent employees by doubling its workforce by the end of 2018. The majority of these workers will be assigned to their logistics centers in El Prat de Llobregat, Martorelles in Barcelona and Getafe in Madrid. . In addition to some destined for its central offices in the capital and its new technology research center in Barcelona. For Douglas Harper, union steward of Amazon, and responsible for all the movements of the past of March, this announcement is "a facelift that does not respond to a novelty in the company's plan, but to its obligation to formalize fixed contracts in place of temporary, even if, below the regulations. "

The key to this announcement is in the concept of permanent employees.One of the main complaints of the workers of the company specially employees of the San Fernando de Henares factory, was precisely the high number of staff in temporary quality Under contract with ETT, one of the biggest complaints of the unions (especially of CC.OO.) was the precariousness of the employment through 39, temporary jobs, a figure which, according to the unions, has been very recurrent in hiring within the company.They also added that the temporary workers who participated in the strike last March have not seen renewing their respective contracts.

This announcement is also made in one of the most sensitive times for Amazon in Spain.Once overcome the trance of having lost its president, François Nuyts, in the middle of the negotiation process with the In the factory employees, the technology continues to have the issue of agreement with the workers. Presumably, the new batch is under the agreement approved in April unilaterally, a problem that continues to fight against the company's veterans.

After the 48-hour closures in March, which aimed to unblock the ongoing negotiations of December 31, 2016 – when the agreement of the employees of Amazon has expired -, the relationship between the two parties was more than tense. On the one hand, he sought to recover the conditions of the workers by increasing the coverage of sick leave; on the part of Amazon, the opposite effect has been sought precisely. The blockade of the negotiations ended with the unilateral approval of the sectoral agreement. The same that keeps half of the workforce at war in San Fernando de Henares

It is precisely in this context that new strikes have been announced by the San Fernando team of Henares, who would be seconded by employees of the rest of the factory. Europe One of them sought to attack one of the weak points of technology: one of his days was on the calendar with the most sales . Prime Day, which will likely take place on July 16, will have a similar result to Black Friday in some parts of Europe: block a moment of sales spikes and delay shipments of thousands of orders. According to the shop steward, "unemployment is maintained for these days, although it remains to be determined whether there will be work stoppages of three days or the whole week". With regard to the European strike "can not make statements as it would mean unveiling the union strategy."