Mexico painted Tricolr Arena Samara in World Cup


Mexican Fan in Russia 2018 – Getty Images

The 2018 Russia was painted in green and this Octave encounter could not be the exception [19659004] By Kóstic Morozov

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September 12, 2017/13: 30 hours

Mexican Hobby in Russia 2018 – Getty Images

Many Mexicans have had problems getting to Samara. Some did it if you had time, but they are finally here and have put a good atmosphere in the place where the national team will face Brazil, for the passage to the quarterfinals of the World Cup.

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Russia 2018 has been painted green and this eighth meeting could not be the exception. Mexican support supports everything, maybe not in the same numbers as in the previous match, but with the same enthusiasm … all the more so today something historic is played: the pass to the fifth game.

Green shirts, tufts, masks, shirts Jorge Campos, hats and mustaches, all the folklore of Mexico is present at the Samara Arena, seat of the match against Brazil. The atmosphere is of the World Cup and the Mexicans do not become less in front of pentacampenes of the world.

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