The PREP data confirm the revelations of the El Financiero survey


The data of Preliminary Electoral Results Program (PREP) and those of the latest survey published by El Financiero coincide with the data of the presidential election and the citizen participation.

The estimate of the study published on June 27 gave 55% to Andrés Manuel López Obrador of "Juntos Haremos Historia", and the PREP, with an advance of 55.87%, positions the virtual president elected with 53.58%.

The same goes for the other former presidents of the presidency. In the case of Ricardo Anaya of "Por México al Frente", the difference is less than one per cent. El Financiero forecasts 22% and PREP gives 22.6%.

Meanwhile, José Antonio Meade of "Todos por México", has a difference of just over three percent. The publishing house estimated at 19% and the preliminary results at 15.5%.

With regard to the former independent candidate, Jaime Rodríguez "El Bronco", the PREP has a result of 5.4%, while the survey published on June 27 predicts 4%.

About participation rate El Financiero estimated at 64%, whereas in the results it appears with 62,62%.

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