Wall Street falls while investors worry about Trump tariffs


The fall of technology stocks and industrial companies dragged Wall Street into the second trading day of the second half of the year, as the escalating risk of a tariff war between Washington and its trading partners continued to weigh on the economy. trust. [19659002] The shares of US companies sensitive to foreign trade have fallen. Those of Boeing and Caterpillar have lost more than 1.5% and those of semiconductor manufacturers have decreased, as have the securities of Chinese companies listed in the United States.

Shanghai's main stock index fell nearly 3% At the same time, US tariffs on Chinese products for $ 34 billion will come into effect on July 6, opening the door for a proportional response from Beijing .

The fear of a trade war was also compounded by the threat of the European Union imposing tariffs in the United States for nearly $ 300 billion in retaliation.

Global actions also felt the impact of a threat on the ruling coalition of German Chancellor Angela Merkel. he was shown fickle after the election victory of Andrés Manuel López Obrador, which will bring a leftist government to a moment of strained relations with the United States. [19659002] "There is not much good news for the markets earlier this week," said Scott Brown, chief economist at Raymond James.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average lost 182.28 points, or 0.75%, to 24,089.13 points. the S & P 500 general index fell 15.76 points, or 0.58%, to 2,702.61 units. The Nasdaq was down 42.64 points, or 0.57%, to 7,467.67 units


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