They present a thousand of 364 complaints – El Diario de Yucatán


CITY OF MEXICO (El Universal) .- Election day resulted in six deaths, four abducted persons, armed attacks, the theft of ballot boxes, assaults on a candidate and arrests for coercion of the vote.

In Chiapas, the homicide of a Morena activist in the municipality of Venustiano Carranza was reported, as well as acts of violence in five other municipalities, including Santiago El Pinar, where there was a confrontation between militants of political parties

. PRI) reported the killing of an activist in Chignahuapan. In addition, the electoral authorities reported the recording of 176 incidents, including armed attacks in three municipalities that left the suspension of the elections in three cells

Two more murders were reported to Guerrero, the first to Taxco , where he was found dead the brother-in-law of the mayoral candidate of Nueva Alianza (NA), Mario Figueroa, the other victim was registered in the municipality of La Unión, where a collaborator of the candidate of the Ecologist Party Green Mexico (PVEM), Elsa Valencia, was murdered.

The deprivation of liberty of the representative of Morena in the municipality of Ajuchitlán de El Progreso and of a collaborator of the candidate Atoyac was also reported. Both were found alive

In Michoacán, the killing of a Partido del Trabajo (PT) activist in Contepec was recorded. Due to this and other incidents, security was strengthened in 23 municipalities, informed the president of the Electoral Institute, Ramón Hernández

In Tabasco, in the municipality of Cárdenas, a woman has was killed when a box was installed. In addition, in Sinaloa, gunmen detained two journalists from Línea Directa in the municipality of Cosala for more than two hours.

The Chief of the Office of the Special Prosecutor for Electoral Crimes (Fade) of the Office of the Attorney General of the Republic (PGR), Hector Diaz-Santana, reported that there had been 364 complaints and that 23 people had been arrested, since the electoral closure last Thursday and until 22:00 Sunday, for the probable commission of electoral crimes. Of the complaints registered since Thursday, more than a thousand have been filed this Sunday and six have been arrested.

In general, the crimes committed were: vote buying, retention of electors' credentials, obstruction of access to polling stations, and possession of money. The owner of the Fepade said that on this day, which was a democratic exercise with a large participation of the citizens, 639 corresponded to the federal jurisdiction and 725 to the common jurisdiction, this one being transmitted to the prosecutors and the prosecutors competent entities.

He pointed out that two cases of people in illegal possession of voter cards have been judiciarized in the state of Tabasco.

"As head of this office, but especially as a Mexican, I am fully aware of the problems they have caused, so the Fepade will continue intensely as today so that these facts do not go unpunished. "

" In the coming days, our job will be to resolve the reported incidents and incidents so that they are duly resolved.Because we must continue to work, in full transparency, attached to the electoral criminal law. and under the imperative to answer you, "he said.

The prosecutor explained that the most contested states are: Puebla, with 122; Mexico, 39; State of Mexico, 38; Chiapas, 38; In addition, he explained that more than 11 thousand calls were received in Fepadenet and 2,200 in Fepade Móvil.

"Of these, 75% were for orientation, 9% federal crime rate and 16% for local election crimes.These figures reflect the fact that Mexican citizens relied on Fepade to make claim their rights, "he said.

Díaz-Santana acknowledged the high turnout during Election Day yesterday. "Not only for the Fade, but also for the INE and the TEPJF, no doubt that this has been a challenge," he argued.-Manuel Espino

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