The Trump examiner could cooperate with the Russian conspiracy investigation


Michael Cohen, former president of US President Donald Trump, insinuates Monday that he could cooperate with the investigation led by the special prosecutor Robert Mueller on the so-called Russian conspiracy, assuring that he must loyalty to his "family" and in his first interview since the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) registered his offices in April, Cohen left Trump, which he had always defended unconditionally (19659002) "My wife, my daughter and my son are the ones who have my main loyalty, and they will always have it. "I put family and country first," Cohen told ABC News (19659003). The lawyer responded to the question of whether he was prepared to defend Trump even though he was facing criminal charges in the open federal inquiry into his office. against in New York or in the investigation of Mueller on the alleged links between Russia and the now American President's election campaign.

Cohen, who a few months ago said that he was ready to "shoot" to defend Trump, also broke with his old post regarding payment of $ 130,000, he did during the campaign 2016 to porn actress Stormy Daniels, so that she would not talk about her alleged relationship with the current president.

This payment is the subject of a federal criminal investigation – independent of Mueller – because it could be a violation of campaign finance laws.

In the interview, Cohen avoided repeating his last sign that he came to agreement with Daniels alone and that Trump knew nothing about the disbursement.

"I want to answer, one day I will answer, but for now I can not comment further because of my lawyer's advice," said Cohen when asked.

In May, Trump admitted that it was he who had funded the payment of $ 130,000. although he argued that it was legal because "it had nothing to do with the election campaign."

Cohen, popularly known as Trump's "fixer" for having been responsible for years of solving the problems of the real estate mogul, recently hired a prestigious attorney, Guy Petrillo, who was a federal prosecutor at Manhattan and knows first-hand the office that is now investigating his client.

Once Petrillo becomes Cohen's next lawyer in the coming days, an agreement will expire from the joint defense that Trump signed with his personal solicitor, and through which his legal teams could share information and documents, as reported by ABC News.

This opens the door to a possible conflict between the legal interests of Cohen and Trump, who predicts in April that his personal attorney would never turn against him "despite the horrific witch hunt."

With information from EFE ]


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