Arrested in the United States a man planning an attack in Ohio


CLEVELAND, Ohio. (Notimex) .- Federal agents arrested a man on Sunday for conspiring to detonate a bomb during the celebration of Independence Day this Wednesday, July 4, in the center of Cleveland Ohio authorities reported today

Demetrius N. Pitts 48 years old, told an undercover officer of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) his desire to join the organization. terrorist "Al Qaeda" and kill US citizens, including the military and their families.

Pitts revealed to the agent his plan to conduct an attack on July 4 at Voinovich Park in Cleveland, where each year he celebrates Independence Day with fireworks, have said the authorities at a press conference Monday where they reported the arrest.

"Last week this accused was walking through downtown Cleveland He thought it would be a large-scale attack," said Justin Herdman, federal attorney for the North District of Ohio. "He looked for a place to park a truck filled with explosives," he said.

Pitts is accused of attempting to provide material support to Al Qaeda. The FBI's joint anti-terror working group arrested Pitts this Sunday

Pitts incurs a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison if he is found guilty.

According to the authorities, Pitts, a native of Philadelphia, he converted to Islam and radicalized himself by also adopting the names of Abdur Raheem Rafeeq and Salah ad- Deem Osama Waleed.

An affidavit filed in the indictment states that Pitts expressed anti-American sentiment between 2015 and 2017. 2018 was introduced to an FBI undercover agent whom he believed to be a Al-Qaeda "brother", says the affidavit.

Pitts met with the undercover officer on June 22nd. During the meeting, he told the Undercover Officer of his desire to carry out a terrorist attack during the July 4 celebration in downtown Cleveland, authorities said

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