The section "Iberoamerica", "Latin America" or "Latin America" from various media around the world, announced the triumph of Andrés Manuel López Obrador and his celebration in the zócalo of the capital next to the thousands of supporters.
The New York Times
A New York newspaper column exposes the contradictions of AMLO and asks what profile it will take at the time of the government, the populist, the leftist, the nationalist, the pragmatist or the 39; austere. 19659005] & # 39; All. There are not many AMLOs, but only one. "
The newspaper defines López Obrador as an ideologue who wants to turn Mexico into political, economic and social issues, but prefers a gradual change to a revolution.
" He is a populist who operates in the margins of Mexican politics.Their programs are ideologically oriented, but their programs are pragmatic. "
The Washington Post
The former US Ambassador to Mexico, James R. Jones, was agree in his analysis of Washington Post in which AMLO is a pragmatist
Jones, adds that the goal of the future president of Mexico is to improve the living conditions the poorest Mexicans and for this he is not afraid to change his mind and strategy if he considers that there are better alternatives to achieve this.
"Having found that the economic opportunities Mexicans have improved, he is now supporting NAFTA and other free trade agreements that he has criticized, "he said.
In Folha de São Paulo
"López Obrador surfed between this social boredom, although he is not really an underdog," he published
. The Sao Paulo newspaper compares the number of Mexicans with how the Brazilians feel, which may lead them in October to elect an "authoritarian, misogynist and exoficial homophone from the army," journalist Jair Bosonaro said.
The Argentine newspaper noticed the first lady elected, Beatriz Gutiérrez Müller.
The wife of López Obrador admires writers such as Fiódor Dostoyevski and the Hungarian Imre Kertész, proposed to finish with the first figure She considers him "classist" and, although she shares López Obrador's ideals of equality and peace, she said that she had divergences with the views of the National Regeneration Movement (Morena), founded by her husband, "he published [19659005]
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