L & # 39; INE extended the PREP by one hour and concluded with 93.5 in advance


Milenio Digital

In order to favor transparency, and because of the relevance of the preliminary election results of this election, Instituto Nacional Electoral ( INE ) extended for one hour the operation of the Preliminary Electoral Results Program ( PREP ), at 9:00 pm on July 2

From this way, on PREP completed its operation with 93.5% polling records and their captured data

Although in previous election processes on PREP had a greater advance, this time at 20:00 a percentage advancement of 90.5 percent had been achieved for the following reasons:

  • ] The work of counting and counting in boxes took several hours then from the conclusion of the vote, since had to count the votes of up to six different elections in each voting center . In a large number of polling stations, the examination and calculation were concluded in the early hours of this Monday, July 2.
  • The delay was the result of the implementation of the 2014 electoral reform, incorporating the figure for voting on competing local and federal elections . This is the first time that individual boxes are installed during simultaneous federal elections with 30 local elections.
  • On the other hand, during this election, it was planned that the digitization of the minutes would be done from the boxes via mobile devices. which counted each of 38 thousand 767 trainers of electoral assistants (CAE). However, in about half of the cases, this could not be done since the internal auditors were determined to assist in the counting and counting, to complete the minutes and to move the report. electoral package.
  • The previous implied that a very large number of acts had to wait to reach the district councils of INE across the country in order to be digitized and their data entered.
  • Another reason which explains the level of progress in the publication of preliminary results in the PREP has to do with that around 30 000 electoral packages do not have the record PREP outside the package as expected precisely to be able to digitize and capture your data. This could have occurred because of the complexity of counting and counting, as well as the fatigue of the election workers, who concluded the work at dawn after a day of 20 hours uninterrupted [19659014] PREP continues to be a fundamental tool for knowing the preliminary results of the election, which confirm statistical estimates released by the INE rapid account published last night by the presiding councilor, Lorenzo Córdova .

    With 93.5 minutes captured on PREP recorded a citizen participation of ] 63.4% which equates to more than 56.6 million Mexicans went to the polls or sent their votes from abroad.

    The coalition candidate [1945] 9017] Together we will make history won 52.96% of the vote, making it the virtual winner. Their opponents, Ricardo Anaya (PAN, PRD, MC), José Antonio Meade (PRI, PVEM, Panal) and El Bronco (independent), obtained respectively 22.49, 16.40 and 5.13. %.



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