Diabetic retinopathy may blind you if it is not treated in time


Diabetic retinopathy is a visual, chronic, and specific complication of diabetes that produces alterations in blood vessels that damage the retina in the long term and, without treatment, can cause blindness ] said Virgilio Lima, ophthalmologist at the Hospital Juárez de México

"It is a disease that affects the retina, which is the inner part of the eye, which closes and which makes it difficult for people to see the eye. eye no longer works properly, "says expert at Efe.

According to WHO data, diabetic retinopathy occurs in type 1 or juvenile diabetes mellitus in 98% of patients after having 20 years of the disease.

Meanwhile, in people with type 2 diabetes, it occurs in 60% of people who have lived with this disease for at least 20 years.

Diabetic retinopathy is ] cause more frequent blindness [194] 59004] legal between 20 and 65 years in the industrialized countries.

Virgilio Lima asserted that the advantage is that it is a disease that can be prevented if detected opportunely, however, because it does not show any symptoms, it is very complicated The diagnosis

"It is a disease in which, as the time of diabetes increases, it 's more common, the most interesting is that it does not cause d". discomfort, neither red eyes nor itching because the injury is inside the eye. "

The expert said that because the disease has no symptoms it should be sought intentionally if the condition exists, however in Mexico, the procedure has several limitations "because the country's ophthalmology services are saturated and there is a prolonged waiting time".

In addition, the examination process involves pupillary dilation so that patients suffer from visual weakness for a few hours and a blurred vision, so they have to be accompanied and can not drive or return early to their activities, which means that many avoid reviewing "

. However, currently in hospitals like that of Juarez in Mexico, there is a technology with a high definition camera with which a photo of the bottom of the eye is taken "that gives the same information that we produce when we extend the field of vision 59003] pupils but does not require dilation, has no discomfort and is very fast, "he explained.

The review, he explained, serves to detect whether there is a risk of suffering from the disease and, if so advanced is and with this treatment can be given to prevent further progress.

In the event that the patient has no change in his retina, said that it is only recommended to continue to do the study every year and, in the case of women pregnant, it is advisable to do it between weeks 20 and 28 of pregnancy. EFE

In this note:

  • Eye Health
  • Diabetic Retinopathy

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