Mexico is already the first country in Latin America with 35 jewels of Unesco


Photo: Special

M Mexico was consolidated as the first country in Latin America and seventh in the world, with the largest number of properties recognized on the World Heritage List. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco). The Tehuacán-Cuicatlán valley, an original habitat of Mesoamerica, was included in the list, in the Mixed Site category, with which it already totals 35 places protected by the body.

The Tehuacán-Cuicatlán Valley, located between the states of Puebla and Oaxaca, is a refuge for more than 140 species of birds. It is characterized by its rugged terrain and warm-semi-dry climate.

Graphic: The Reason of Mexico

According to biologists and archaeologists who have worked on the preservation of the region, this valley testifies to the adaptation of the human being to the l & # 39; 39, environment, along 14 thousand years and represents one of the most diverse arid areas with an area of ​​145 thousand 255 hectares, approximately

Chart: The reason of Mexico

In his land, you can always see traces of domestication of plants, agricultural systems and complementary practices with the use of cactus and salt production, residential settlements and various political, religious and linguistic systems.

The valley also witnessed the emergence of Proto-Ottoman languages ​​that gave birth to the oldest and most diverse linguistic family of the American continent, Otomangue, with strong roots that endure until To the present day.

Graphic: The Razón de México

The candidature of the Tehuacán-Cuicatlán Valley is based on the UNESCO Thematic Program on Human Evolution: Adaptations, Dispersions and Social Development (HEADS) .

Graphic: The Reason of Mexico

In this regard, the World Heritage Center itself has emphasized the challenge and complexity of the candidacy of these sites and places related to the origins of humanity. He said that it is believed that in America, they are under-represented on the World Heritage List, hence the importance and relevance of ensuring recognition, conservation and research of sites related to the process of evolution, adaptation, dispersion and development. on the continent.

The nomination of this mixed Mexican property also meets the objectives of the World Heritage Action Plan for Latin America and the Caribbean (2014-2024), in terms of enhancing the credibility of the World Heritage List. . World ensure the effective conservation of World Heritage properties; to ensure capacity development, particularly in support of the preparation of nominations to the List; and by strengthening the role of communities in the proper implementation of the Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, 1972.

The evaluation and recognition of the Mexican nomination were attended by 15 delegates the following countries: member countries of the Committee: Australia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Brazil, Cuba, Spain, Guatemala, Hungary, Kuwait, Norway, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Tanzania, Tunisia, Uganda and Zimbabwe.

Finally, the recording of this site presents the world a paradigm shift conceptual

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