Transparency and patrimonial evolution of civil servants


Political corruption is the most eloquent and regrettable aspect of the forms of corruption afflicting our country. One of the actors who plays in this unfortunate situation is the bad official. The terms are varied, from the awarding of contracts to parents or the establishment of surcharges to goods or services acquired, by obtaining unjustified privileges such as air tickets or paid holidays, to the most complex financial transactions so that in any case, the bad official obtains profitable and highly unjustifiable income.

The corruption that hurts and breeds so much indignation among Mexicans can be affected by various instruments, one of which is to know the evolution of the situation.

Specifically, on Friday, June 29, INAI's plenary session approved for internal jurisdiction, the new formats of asset declarations that officials must accredit with the beginning or end of a public order, as well that the statement of amendment for But with the difference that these formats will make public the status of each of the officials, because it leaves aside the possibility that officials decide to publish or not. or not their asset declarations. In my opinion, it ceases to be a mere formality (which has become the patrimonial declaration) and becomes a real exercise of transparency and accountability.

The threshold of privacy that protects data The personal data of all natural persons are adjusted and, therefore, it is not the same thing, in the case of public servants, who assume responsibility, not only legal, but social, in the face of citizenship. Being an official in terms of patrimonial evolution means that the halo of confidentiality is reduced in the face of increasing transparency.

The cases in which the corrupt manage to hide their opacity and to conceal their outrages are the most diversified. and one of those cases is the use and complicity with relatives or loved ones to whom they entrust, even legally, the ownership of these inexplicable riches. The examples are many and numerous, the paradox is that the known cases of the media are the least or, in other words, even if the situations of corruption are known, the impunity most often welcomes the corrupt ones.

We know, but nothing is done.

Finally, I must emphasize that the validity of these formats will be in the decision of the Citizen Participation Committee of the National Anti-Corruption System and what was approved last Friday by INAI only that was, I 39, insists, for the conviction of the Plenary of the Institute.

It is still missing that the members of the Citizen Participation Committee jointly take a decision concerning these formats and the follow-up that will be given to the patrimonial evolution of the civil servants to fight, if necessary, against the corruption.

If approved, there will be no exceptions and, from the most modest civil servant, the highest federal, state and municipal public servant will be accountable for his property

* The author is the Commissioner of INAI.

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