Seattle is left without a key player


CITY OF MEXICO.- The Legion of Destiny of the "Sea of ​​the Sea" was officially deprived of its second key now in the offseason .

According to the ESPN portal, through a statement posted on social networks, the Chancellor announced his retirement from the NFL on Sunday, due to a neck injury suffered last November.

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The farewell to the Chancellor's League arrives a few weeks after the corner half Richard Sherman – probably the most Group franc – Cut by Seattle. As if that were not enough, Earl Thomas was involved in commercial rumors, while he was in a contractual dispute with the Seahawks.

"God gave me a signal that I can not ignore ," wrote the Chancellor as part of his message. "I played despite all kinds of assault, but this one, I can not ignore." When the doctors told me what was going on, in November, I'd I felt my heart fall on my stomach, the stiffness of my neck and the images. they showed me that they had one of my lowest points as a man, because football is the only thing I knew, apart from the service of the Lord

" Getting out of the game by choice is one thing, getting away from the game because of the risk of paralysis is another thing, "wrote professor

head coach Pete Carroll had already warned in January Chancellor not to replay because of the nature of his injury.

"It will be m It is difficult for them to go back and play again", explains Carroll in his weekly radio show on 710 ESPN Seattle Jan. 3, referring to Chancellor and defensive lineman Cliff Avril. club in May

In his eight-season career – all with the Seahawks after being drafted in the fifth round of the 2010 draft, Virginia Tech – the Chancellor was four times chosen for the Pro Bowl with Sherman and Thomas, he became one of the most important pieces of a defensive era that was decisive in the conquest of Super Bowl XLVIII, and which was resumed the following season. 19659012] window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
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