AMLO meets Peña Nieto at the National Palace


Andrés Manuel López Obrador virtual elected president, and Enrique Peña Nieto current president, meet this Tuesday at the National Palace.

"I come with the spirit of conciliation, seeking an orderly transition for the benefit of all," assured López Obrador before the meeting

Olga Sánchez Cordero, member of the team Transition of Andrés Manuel López Obrador says that the economy and the transition of the government will be the main themes of the meeting

On the basis of the The agenda commented by AMLO, "I consider that they will be economic issues, because now the most important message is with foreign investors investment funds; We live in a global world and we must be very attentive to that, "he said in an interview with Aristegui Noticias on Tuesday.

Peña Nieto received López Obrador, who arrived at 10:49 am after meeting engineer Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas at his tent in the historic city center.

According to the Preliminary Results Program (PREP) of the National Electoral Institute (INE), López Obrador is the virtual elected president who obtained 52.96% of the votes. While Ricardo Anaya, from "Por México al Frente", got 22.49%, and José Antonio Meade, from "Todos por México", 16.40%.

On the night of July 1, the current Mexican president extended congratulations to AMLO. He claimed that he spoke with Morena's flagship and assured him that he will work with his team to make the transition between incoming and incoming government.

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