Wall Street falls shortly before the holidays


NEW YORK.- In a short day to the markets of Wall Street and with an average volume below the usual, before the holiday of independence, the three main market indicators reversed earnings Monday put under pressure by technological and financial actions.

The industrial average Dow Jones fell 0.54%, to 24 thousand 174.82 units, the S & P 500, fell 0.49% to 2,713.22 units and the technological Nasdaq, fell 0.86% up to 7,502.67 points.

Among the broadcasters who recorded the main falls of the session, we find Nike, with a fall of 2.64%, followed by Caterpillar at 1.75%, Apple 1.74% and d & # 39; 39, Intel losing 1.45%.

Facebook shares cut at the end of the session the fall of up to 4 percent recorded at half-time, after a report indicated that an investigation Federal on the leakage of user data to the British consultant Cambridge Analytica has been extended Conversely, the positive return securities have been Johnson & Johnson at 1.03%, Exxon at 0.71%, Verizon at 0.69% and Coca Cola up 0.78%.

Concerns over a trade war remained on the radar of investors after a tariff deal was observed far before they came into effect next Friday, for a total of $ 34 billion.

During the first hours of the day, stock movements were confirmed by the statements of the Chinese authorities when the governor of the Central Bank of Asia, Yi Gang, said that he would maintain the renminbi at a "stable and reasonable" level; comment that managed to change the perception of investors.

In addition, the Bank's director of financial market research mentioned that he would not use money as an instrument in the trade war.

In economic data, orders at the factory showed an increase of 0.4% in May, better than expected by analysts; while durable goods orders fell 0.4% in the fifth month of the year, compared with an average estimate of -0.5 by the market.

In the energy market, the main mixes recorded a positive session, WTI, up 0.27% to 74.14 dollars per barrel. While Brent in London advanced 0.19% to 77.46 dollars a barrel.

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