Does Prince Harry refuse to take Meghan by the hand?


Since the announcement of their commitment at the end of 2017, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are the sensation of the moment and, after saying "yes, I want" on May 19, every step Dan is meticulously analyzed.

Last week, the couple accompanied Queen Elizabeth to the reception of the Young Leaders Awards at Buckingham Palace, where The Duchess of Sussex was criticized for having crossed her legs (a fact that she corrected immediately, but did not go unnoticed), and there was also an unpleasant detail that concealment hid in front of the cameras and was cataloged as the first rejection Prince Harry at a loving gesture of his wife in public.

In a video published in the newspaper The Sun there is a moment when Meghan ] extends his hand to Harry ] for the purpose to walk together, but he continues his step without noticing the gesture of his wife, so she pretends to caress her hair, preventing it from looking like a light in front of the cameras.

In a way, many remember this as the hostile reflection of Melania Trump against the US President, Donald Trump but the situation has nothing to do with it, There is a hundred percent valid and logical explanation: the grandson of Isabel II who presided over this act in the palace, what he wanted to avoid the hand of his wife was not to break the protocol, since it recommends to avoid the signs of affection in the events officials.

Meghan Markle is still not completely familiar with the traditions of the royal family, so that from time to time she can act as a reflex, since for her it is normal to take the hand of

In fact, the Dukes of Cambridge strictly follow this rule, so it is possible that the Dukes of Sussex follow in their footsteps. 19659002]


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By: Vanidades Editorial / Photo: Getty Images

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