Pap test diagnoses uterine cancer before


The human papillomavirus screening test ( HPV ) identifies precancerous changes in cervical cells earlier and more specifically than cytology Papanicolaou, according to a clinical study published today [19659003] The book, published by the journal JAMA, is the work of a team led by Dr. Gina Suzanne Ogilvie, of the Vancouver Health Center and Women's Hospital. (Canada), who studied for a decade

Research has shown that the human papillomavirus test is more sensitive than the Papanicolaou test, a widely used test that for decades has been the procedure HPV is the most common sexually transmitted infection in people whose immune system usually clears the virus within one year. or two years, but when the infection persists, it can result in precancerous lesions or even malignant tumors.

In addition, almost all cases of cervical cancer are due to infections caused by the human papillomavirus .

As experts learned more about the role of HPV in cervical cancer, there have been more doctors recommending women to undergo more HPV testing and less to cytology However, according to Ogilvie, instead of rejecting Papamicolau, this test must complete the papilloma test . The real benefit of the joint trial is with the HPV test, "said the researcher also at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.

The American Cancer Society calculates that It is diagnosed.This year, about 13,200 new cases of invasive cervical cancer will be reported in the United States and about 4,200 women will die from this disease.EFE

In this note:

  • Human Papilloma
  • Cancer of the Uterus

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