He was left with his leg trapped by the train but he did not want to call for emergencies because of the cost


It arrived in the United States and revived criticism of the health service. Despite the injury that the train produced, he said that he could not pay attention.

The event occurred in Boston, United States. While getting off the train a woman was stuck between the vehicle and the train station. This caused a serious cut, to the point of reaching the bone. When they offered to call the ambulance, he refused because he was afraid of not being able to pay for the service.

As soon as the incident occurred, the passengers began to help him. A man squats until he is at his height to be able to lie down. Ten passengers will start pushing the wagon on the opposite side so that he can pull out the leg. "Everything happened very quickly, in one minute he fell and could not get out his leg," said one of the passengers who testified.

"Horrible scene on the orange line.A woman's leg squeezed into space between the train and the platform.It was crooked and bloody. lost her skin, she was in agony and crying, but she was not begging anyone to call an ambulance. "They are USD3000. I can not afford this expense, "wrote a journalist who covered what happened in the train .

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