They record a 6% drop in new car sales in June


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In June, the sale of new cars was 119 thousand 713 units, 6% less than the number of units sold in the same month l 39; last year, reported the Mexican Association of Automobile Distributors (AMDA) and Mexican Association of the Automobile Industry (AMIA).

In accumulated January-June, the sale of 680 thousand 699 light vehicles, for a fall of 8.4% over the same period of the year former.

Two of the automobile companies with the highest sales volume: Nissan and Volkswagen, recorded a drop of 15.6% and 27.1%, respectively; when marketing 26 thousand 074 and 12 thousand 599 vehicles each,

While General Motors had a slight growth of 0.2%, when marketing 21 thousand 314 vehicles .

Guillermo Rosales, Deputy Director General of AMDA pointed out that with this result, there were 13 consecutive months of decline in the domestic auto market.

"This result is in line with AMDA's estimate for the low stage .We are maintaining our projection for the end of the year of one million 452 thousand units, with opportunities to increase up to one million 480 thousand units, if the economic environment improves. "

" The main short-term risks are located in the ] deterioration of the exchange rate and decrease of the investments because of the delay of the renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement which can influence an inflationary rebound and a stagnation of the production

In June, Toyota the fourth largest volume of auto sales on the market, recorded an increase of 10.8%, placing 8 thousand 698 vehicles.

that KIA decreased its sales by 1% by selling 7,353 units

and for the first time, the Chinese brand BAIC released its sales volume: 201 vehicles June

Honda decreased by 0.7% your sales; Fiat Chrysler 2.3%; and Ford 8.4%

Renault also recorded a significant decrease of 12% in June

. In contrast, brands that increased sales were Hyundai with 16.6%; Mazda 2.7%; Peugeot 6.1%; and Suzuki 20.4%.

Among luxury brands, BMW grew by 27.7%; Infiniti 13.3%; Jaguar 135%; Land Rover 214%; Lincoln 70.5%; Mercedes Benz 18.7%; MINI 15.8%; Porsche 13.7%; and Audi, on the other hand, recorded a decrease of 13.9%.

On the other hand, AMDA pointed out that the July 1 elections ended in peace and an orderly transition period is being considered, so that the risks to the economy and the market of l & # 39; automobile.

"We expect a better market performance in the coming months from the decline in inflation, as well as the decline in vehicle prices observed in real terms according to the data of the year. 39, INEGI, "added Rosales.


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