Epic Announces Fortnite Short Film Contest: Battle Royale


Season 4 of Fortnite is coming to an end and Epic Games wants to close the cycle in the best way. How could it be otherwise, the company announced a contest that will bring players to show their talent as video producers.

Epic Games announced on its official website the celebration of the FortniteBlockbuster contest, based on the creation of short films that show an interesting story about the superheroes who have included the third season. To participate, interested parties must use the Replay feature to record interesting moments in their games and games to tell a story. The contest, which started yesterday and will be open until July 12, invites users to create a video of at least 1 minute, and maximum 5 minutes, in which they can only use the corresponding material with their royalty free games and music, which you can view on this link.

Once the video is ready, participants must download it as public content on YouTube and inform Epic Games by sending their name, Epic ID and the hashtag #FortniteBlockbuster: [email protected]

After closing of the video reception period, a jury will evaluate the quality of each and the winner will receive the following prizes:

  • The film will be shown in Engaged Reels
  • The title of the film will appear in the marquee
  • L & # 39; movie poster will be included in different parts of the card
  • 25,000 V-Bucks

Finally, users who occupy the 5 places by d Below the winner, they will receive 10,000 V-Bucks.

Fortnite: Battle Royale is available on PS4, Xbox One, PC, Switch and iOS. In this link you will find more information about the successful game of Epic Games

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