Burning Electoral Council in Jitotol, Chiapas


CHIAPAS.- After an In Camera Election in Jitotol – Municipality Located in the North Area of ​​the State – Between the Parties of Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) and that of Democratic Revolution (PRD), the sympathizers of this group set fire to the municipal electoral council.

The chairman of the Jitotol Municipal Electoral Committee was arrested and taken to a rural community by PRD militants, who allege fraud for the triumph of the PRI candidate after Sunday's election day.

Very early, PRD members and supporters of the candidate Ángela Guadalupe Balcázar Solís arrived at the municipal electoral offices where they arrested the president of the IEPC, Víctor Cirilo Reyes Pérez who entered the gondola of a truck and took him to the community of Jaramillo where he is being held.

In addition to arresting the president of the municipal electoral body, supporters of the candidates burned the electoral package of Jitotol.

In this municipality, according to the Program of Preliminary Results (PREP), the candidate of the PRI, Martha Angelica Molina Ruiz rises in the electoral preferences on the candidate of the PRD, Ángel Guadalupe Balcázar Solís

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