Wikipedia in Spanish is temporarily closed. Anyone who wants to read an article will see how the platform refers to a statement without access to Wiki . The reason? A strong mobilization to protest against a vote that will take place on Thursday, July 5 in the European Parliament and which could suppose the approval of the controversial article 11 and Article 13 of the new proposal for a directive on copyright

would greatly damage the open Internet that we know today, "explains the Wikipedia community in Spanish. According to its version, the community regulation" would threaten freedom online and would impose new filters, barriers and restrictions to access the Web . "Article 13, assert campaigns such as Save your internet would assume that" any download content e on the Internet is monitored and potentially eliminated if similarity is detected with existing content protected by copyright ".

The closure of Wikipedia will be effective before and during the vote of the text in plenary of the European Parliament, that is to say "until 10 am (UTC) on 5 July". The measure comes hours after the Wikipedia in Italy began a similar demonstration, in line with what was done some time ago by the Wiki communities in Colombia or Mexico, which also conducted a campaign against the new regulations about copyright in these countries

– Wikimedia Spain (@wikimedia_es) Available on: July 4, 2018

"If the proposal is approved in its current version, shares such as the sharing of A new one in social networks where access through a search engine would become more complicated on the Internet, the same Wikipedia would be threatened, "says the platform.The proposed directive would introduce limits to generate alternative content and the download on the network, since the purpose of article 13 is to install a filter to automatically protect the copyright by analyzing the content that is uploaded on I nternet .

The plenary vote of the European Parliament comes weeks after the Legal Committee of the Chamber gave the green light to the latest version of Article 13 of the Copyright Directive . The settlement also generated a great controversy by the article 11 which is the introduction at the European level of a similar proposal to the Google rate in Spain.