They meet Peña and AMLO; the tabasqueño will affect the budget for 2019


Two days after the election, President Enrique Peña Nieto and the virtual winner of the presidency, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, held their first meeting at the National Palace.

After the speech, the politician of Tabasco said that the next Secretary of the Treasury, Carlos Urzúa will work with the outgoing federal administration for the shaping of the 2019 budget [19459007since"itisabudgetthatwearegoingtoexercise"soitmustbedevelopedjointly

The affirmation of López Obrador was confirmed by a statement of the Government of the Republic. "The Ministry of Finance and Public Credit will provide the necessary assistance for the preparation of the economic package corresponding to the first year of the incoming administration."

The virtual elected president also said that will be involved in the delivery-reception process in the negotiation of the Free Trade Agreement (TLC) with President Enrique Peña Nieto. "We will work together (…) the goal is to reach the signing of the agreement."

He added that until his entry into office (on 1 December), the current negotiating team will remain, paving the way. The Minister of Economy, Ildefonso Guajardo, the under Secretary Juan Carlos Baker and Chief Negotiator Kenneth Smith. The incoming team will assist the specialists who will accompany the process. "Always support the current government of Mexico, until in the end, we will be respectful of President Enrique Peña Nieto," he concluded

Carlos Manuel Urzúa, who could be the next Secretary to the Treasury, on his arrival at the meeting with the virtual elected president. SUN / I. Stephens

Today businessmen meet and AMLO

Alfonso Romo, proposes to occupy the post of president in the future government, announced that Andrés Manuel López Obrador will hold a meeting today with the Business Coordination Council (CCE), where they listened to the sector's concerns

He explained that during the meeting between the team of the virtual winner of the election and businessmen, the general topics of macroeconomics, industrial policy will be addressed, and excluded from the new international airport of Mexico City

"We do not We will not present anything, we will comment, talk, see what they feel, what they need, what can we support to stimulate growth. "

that for these moments, regarding the responsibility of López Obrador, "the markets are very calm and very confident", and he recalled that a conference call had taken place the day before. a, led by Carlos Urzúa, with more than 400 investment funds.

Urzúa announced that the new government will be financially responsible, will respect the autonomy of the Bank of Mexico and will maintain the free floating exchange rate regime.

Dozens of citizens, police and members of the press are crammed in at the arrival of Andrés Manuel at the National Palace. SUN / I. Stephens

López Obrador offers a peaceful transition

Andrés Manuel López Obrador promised an orderly transition when he assumed the presidency of Mexico, after meeting with President Enrique Peña Nieto.

In the National Palace Treasury Hall, the next president said that the conversation "reflects the responsibility of the parties, that we put forward the general interest, the power of the nation, regardless of our differences, which are notorious. "

He emphasized that Peña Nieto acted in a respectful and responsible manner during the electoral process, he acknowledged that "the elections were generally free and fair."

On the topics discussed in this meeting, the Tabasqueño has ratified its commitment to maintain the autonomy of the Bank of Mexico. "It will maintain a macroeconomic policy with fiscal balances, there will be no interference in financial matters with regard to monetary exchange.Autonomy, macroeconomic balance and continuation of ongoing programs, do not stop any activity and especially ensure peace and tranquility in this transition period, "he said.

López Obrador declared accepting invitation to a meeting of the Pacific Alliance, in which Chile, Colombia and Peru participate, to be held in Puerto Vallarta on July 24 and to which he will attend as President Elect if the Electoral Tribunal will give you the evidence.

He claimed that the government has proposed that the Presidential General Staff take charge of his security, to which he replied that he was going to analyze it and that "c & # 39; was a good gesture ". However, he reminded that it is taken care of by people, "whoever is fighting for justice has nothing to fear and I have been resolved on this issue. I have not resolved, I have not defined it, we will continue like that.People will take care of me. "

He also reported that his transition team will have characters that he has already advanced as members of his cabinet and in this sense he defined Olga Sánchez Cordero, Tatiana Clouthier and Julio Scherer Ibarra

Pacification process

The virtual winner of the presidential election has announced that he was going to issue an invitation to Pope Francis "facing the climate of violence that exists". There will be a "call for religious leaders, human rights, the UN, to start this meeting among all in order to achieve peace in our country." We will invite Pope Francis "

Experts see a complicated picture of migration

Mexican migration cooperation could undergo significant changes. NOTIMEX / Archivo

The position of the virtual winner of the presidential election, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, on immigration issues could come into conflict with the policy of US President, Donald Trump, complicate the bilateral relationship .

López Obrador and Trump had a telephone conversation during which they discussed border security, migration and the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) and in which they predicted a good relationship with the media. However, the experts consulted believe that the "honeymoon" will not last long.

Arturo Santacruz Díaz Santana, of the North American Studies Center of UdeG, pointed out that there will be significant changes regarding the collaboration of Mexico the problem of migration with the Central America

"It could be that the new administration is tightening up the nuts a bit more and is less willing to collaborate with Trump on this, although that remains to be seen and I think it's a bargaining file that the new government will use. "

Jorge Hernández, ITESO University, explained that the new administration seeks to give continuity to what the government is already doing Peña Nieto to turn to the proposal of the United States to involve police forces on the southern border.

"US pressure on Mexico to tighten its migratory controls on the southern border has been avoided, to offer more than one fund solution that aims to promote the development of Central America. And apparently the administration of López Obrador wants to push for a trade agreement that includes Central America and Mexico. "

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