Aislinn Derbez and Mauricio Ochmann talk at length about their vacation in Hawi (VIDEO)


July 4, 2018

Six months ago, the couple's daughter was born

PHOTOGRAPH: Instagram @aislinnderbez

The couple Aislinn Derbez and Mauricio Ochmann played during their vacation in Hawi, USA. United, an animated discussion

Through social networks, the actress revealed the intense struggle that she had with her husband Mauricio, whose conflict was in the presence of his daughters Kailani and Lorenza (girl of the actor).

Derbez in his Instagram has published several stories where Ochmann claims his childish attitude and even asks him to help with his daughters; at another time the actor claims Aislinn for waking the little baby "Kai".

"You're like a child, like a little girl, but when the three come together, that's when I tell you to shake my hand, it seems like you're the youngest of the three," says -he. On the net, you hear Ochmann say "Ash, let Kai sleep () cllate tantito, verrr."

And the discussion followed by several videos "Let Kai sleep, let Kaili sleep" expressed the son-in-law of Eugenio Derbez, for which Aislinn replies "Hey, it's good that you're used to noise" then Mau answers "you woke her, there is for God () the girl did not sleep".

However, this endless fight is a joke on the part of Aislinn Derbez towards her husband, even in the stories you can read "Favorite activity to spoil the husband", so this couple shows that they will hardly have a discussion, they can even afford to be jokes.

Here is the complete video of the couple.

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