YouTube: An 8 year old boy has completed his studies and has already entered the university [VIDEO]


04 July 2018 13:15.

Laurent Simons is an eight-year-old prodigy born in Ostend, in Belgium who, at his young age, finished his studies and in September, he will begin his university studies. Yes, while you read, the kid called New Newton in his country told his experience in a YouTube video.

The boy has completed his basic education surrounded by 18 year olds and despite the age difference, has always stood out. That's because he has a IQ ​​ of 145, surpassing a person with average intelligence, which is between 90 and 100.

"Sometimes my colleagues took too much time to answer, so I answered, "said the boy.

Little Lawrence tells in the viral video of YouTube ] that his favorite subject is mathematics because they are "very broad, there is statistics, geometry and the". algebra. "

Moreover, he reveals that he is still undecided about what he would like to be: an astronaut or even a surgeon who also attracts attention on the subject. 39, Computer

The father of the child says that Lawrence has always shown more interest in studies than for toys and whatever his decision for his professional future, will be there to support him " If I decided to be a carpenter, it would not be a problem for us.The important thing is to be happy, "said Alexander Simons, the parent of the child.

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