British couple was poisoned with Novichok


  British couple poisoned in Novichok

UK Counter-Terrorist Police Chief Neil Basu; On the right, the medical director of England, Dame Sally Davies, reports on the poisoned couple. Photo: AP


In critical condition, there is a man and a British woman who were poisoned in Novichok chemical agent of Russian origin, same substance as this one poisoned the ex-spy Sergéi Skripal reported the British police.

The incident occurred Saturday in the British town of Wiltshire, 13 kilometers from Salisbury, where Skripal and his daughter were poisoned on March 4

Deputy Commissioner of Metropolitan Police, Neil Basu told the media that it has not been confirmed until now if the nervous agent comes from the same batch as the one where the former Russian spy was attacked .

The toxic substance was analyzed in the British government's chemical weapons research laboratory in Porton Down, Wiltshire, he added.

The inspector said that "there is nothing to suggest" that the couple was attacked although both were found unconscious in Wiltshire with similar symptoms to those of Skripal and his daughter, and are treated in the same hospital as they are. "

The British media, both affected, respond to the names of Charlie Rowley and Dawn Sturgess, respectively aged 45 and 44

Basu confirms that "nobody else" has presented the same symptoms in the locality The area of ​​the event is still buckled, where the l? investigation is conducted by the United Kingdom Terrorism Unit, with the Wiltshire Police.

The officer insists that it does not appear that an "intentional crime "was committed, although the investigation into what happened is still open to all the assumptions

The committee of Cobra Emergency consisting of key ministers and representatives of the country's security forces, met to deal with the case .

A government spokesman for Prime Minister Theresa May said the incident is described as [traduction] "serious" and that it is being treated "with the utmost seriousness". .

The exespía, 67, and his daughter Julia, 33, were poisoned with the Novichok neurological agent in an attack that, according to the British government, was orchestrated by Russia

. what happened dozens of Russian diplomats were expelled from the United Kingdom, while Moscow denied any connection to the facts and did the same with British diplomats.

The Skripal stayed for weeks at the Salisbury District Hospital to receive the release on April 10 and May 18, the same where the man and woman are now admitted in critical condition .

In the beginning, when the incident was notified, the authorities suspected that the couple had consumed some kind of illegal drug.

However, later, the Wiltshire police stated that it was "a serious incident" because it was suspected that both people had been exposed to an "unknown substance"

Several locations in the locality and surrounding area were cordoned off as a precaution and neighbors were warned that the police presence in the area would increase.

The officer pointed out that the public health of England does not believe that there is "a significant risk to health" for the population, although he admits that this can be revised.

* amgl

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