Microsoft will use artificial intelligence to identify cheating users


  Xbox One-Microsoft
Image: Bigstock

The incorporation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into the business world is becoming increasingly relevant, its implementation in processes, products or services become very common, much has to do with the advantages and benefits offered by this type of technology.

Now it is the technological giant Microsoft who seeks to appropriate it to integrate it into some of its services, including a The above is presumed after The US Patent and Trademark Office has published a patent application by the company headquartered in Redmond, Washington.

The registration request refers to a method of detecting traps for platform-level games through machine learning, that is, to identify Xbox users L ive who does "trap", with the help of artificial intelligence.

Only for this year is expected that the AI ​​market has an approximate value of 4 thousand 065 million dollars, but that in 2025 reach a size of 59 thousand 748 million dollars according to the projections of Tractica.

In particular, the IA would be responsible for comparing the player's activities with data composed of gameplay without cheating in order to identify patterns that deviate from guns allowed and deserve to be marked.

According to Microsoft, this "intuitive" technology would be formed to track the interactions between games and gaming platforms. as Xbox Live, including success notifications, game scores, and / or a range reached by each player. In this way, he will be able to identify anomalies in the analyzed data that could be classified as misleading behaviors.

The idea sounds interesting but we assume that there will still be a lot of work to be done since one of the biggest problems is with the players' human behavior, although there is have techniques, strategies and game cards, in the end, each is a different strategist and develops his own abilities.

However, it will be an important resource for Microsoft which is in development stages for the next generation of Xbox that will come in the next few years, not to mention that recently introduced the One X (or Scorpio) and, the one of its promises to users is to ensure a unique gaming experience.


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