In August, the future of NAIM is decided, says Jiménez Espriú


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In a month, the government of virtual elected president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, will have a solution on the future of the New Mexico International Airport (NAIM), said Javier Jiménez Espriú, who will be the head of the Communications and Transportation Secretariat (TBS) in the next administration.

"We will analyze what will be the best option with regard to the saturation problem, if the airport is maintained, it's one of the options, or that he said at the end of the National Day of engineers

The other option is to keep the current alternative and make some runways and a terminal at the Santa Lucia Air Base, it detailed.

The three proposals will be analyzed with the group that is developing the project to decide what is best for Mexico, adding that "it was yesterday Lopez Obrador with Mr. President and we will begin to see the problems, surely, next week. "

In addition, NAIM contracts as well as those across the country will be screened for compliance, he said.

Jimenez Espriú assured that there would be no 39, fines for breach of contract

"The government has contracts and in contracts there is no penalty if the government has to suspend for reasons of the state or

although They respect the contracts, there will be negotiations with the participants and they will respect all the rules and legal issues.

About the investments made by the companies that are part of the project, Jiménez Espriú said that they were paid. "When they have committed investments that will be justified, the government will have to take its responsibilities."

Once Lopez Obrador is named president and elected president, transition work will begin, he said. However, he said that Gerardo Ruiz Esparza, the current head of the agency, would look for him today to talk.

"It's an invitation that makes me start to see what are the problems and problems of the secretariat that he considers important. With regard to resources, he said that the idea of AMLO is to "reduce the expensive expenses of the private sector, reduce the benefits and undue wages for civil servants"., end in a radical and energetic way with corruption and we assume that it will give us enough resources to increase the capital of investment resources for infrastructure. "

These resources will serve as seed capital to stimulate private initiative and the social sector to participate in the construction of the infrastructure. # 39; s infrastructure. "We think that with that we can tackle a lot of the huge infrastructure needs we have."

priorities. Jiménez Espriú said that the first priority will be the conservation and maintenance of work already done.

"It is a capital we have invested as a country and we must take care of it and keep it, the first resources are for that, for maintenance, modernization of roads, ports and airports "

The second priority will be the continuation and conclusion of work in progress, we can not leave the existing work halfway, said Jiménez Espriú

Mexico-Querétaro and the Transpeninsular that remained in suspense in this administration, the future official said that he hopes that they can be finalized.

"There are fundamental projects that we have as priorities, which are the development of the Tehuantepec isthmus railways that go from Coatzacoalcos to Salina Cruz, make a suitable route for the transport of goods, develop this area and they also plan to build a new industrial port in Salina Cruz.

In addition, he seeks to develop a train from Cancun to Palenque to explode a tourism project in the region of Maya.

] Internet In remote areas, where it is not possible to bring Internet with the Shared Network or the Main Network, "the government itself will do it with public resources," said Jiménez Espriú [19659002] In telecommunications, López Obrador He explained that the next government will examine all the economic options to achieve the goal.

"There are very important resellers in the world. In the telecommunications sector, there will be associations, if necessary networks of organizations. Communities that take telecommunications to remote locations. "

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