New "deeply disturbing" intoxication in England


British Prime Minister Theresa May describes as "deeply troubling" the new attack with "Novichok Nervous Agent", of Russian origin, in British territory, which was unveiled yesterday, and for which two people are seriously ill.

In a statement in Berlin with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, with whom she plans to meet this afternoon to address the United Kingdom's exit from the EU, May promised that British police "would "

According to the British police, the new case of poisoning with a nerve agent of Russian origin took place on June 30 in the Wiltshire County, south of England. England, 13 kilometers from Salisbury, where the attack against the former agent Sergey Skripal and his daughter Yulia three months ago was recorded.

See also: British police identify suspects of the Enven The Skripal

May, in a previous statement this morning, had already expressed his solidarity with the two poisoned by Novichok and pledged his full support to the Wiltshire community, who "must deal with the consequences of two people exposed to the nervous agent."

All my thoughts go to the victims and to the people of Amesbury and from Salisbury. After the bold and reckless assassination attempt of the Skripals with Novichok in March, the community has shown incredible strength, patience and stamina. "19659007 The two people affected, Charlie Rowley and Dawn Sturgess, are hospitalized in critical condition, and the security forces are working with the assumption that they were not the deliberate target of the attack. an attack, but a side effect of the action against the Skripal.

In retaliation to the March attack, the United Kingdom and many other Western countries they expelled many Russian diplomats from their territories despite Moscow having denied any connection with the facts.

See also: May claims that Salisbury, where the Skripal was poisoned, is safe

May thanked today expressly in Berlin to the Chancellor for "the support of Germany in recent weeks".


On the other hand , Moscow today asked the British authorities niques not to indulge in "dirty political games" by linking the poisoning of two people with a nerve agent in the English city of Amesbury with the case of the ex-spy Skripal and his daughter.

"We call on the British security forces not to be swept away by dirty political games that have led some forces to London and finally to start working with the security organs." Foreign Affairs, Maria Zajárova, at a press conference

Zajárova is said to be "impressed" by the statements of the British Interior Minister Sajid Javid, urging Russia to explain what 's passed, after accusing this country of the poisoning of the Skripal.

The spokeswoman pointed out that since she had left the poisoning of the & # Sk [[[1965196519651965196519651965196519651965196519651965196519651965Ex-spyandhisdaughterinthecityofSalisburyonMarch4alsointhesouthofEnglandandveryclosetoAmesbury"weofferedourcooperationfortheinvestigationseveraltimesbymonththroughthediplomaticchannel"19659006] I am authorized to say that the Russian security services are ready for this work, "he said.

He assured that Russia was seriously concerned about the situation created by this new case, suspected by the British government.

"We are sincerely concerned about the victims and we want everyone to recover as soon as possible, and we are talking about four people, including two Russian citizens," Zajárova said. He was referring to the two Britons hospitalized since last Saturday in critical condition at the Salisbury District Hospital, the same hospital where the Skri were hospitalized. Pal, as the ex-spy and his daughter Yulia, who managed to survive and were released

See also: London asks Moscow for information to clear up poisoning with Novichok

The British Home Secretary today confirmed the government's suspicions that the two incidents are related, although nuance that "the investigation must continue."

Some British media pointed out that the poisoning of Charlie Rowley and Dawn Sturgess, 45 and 44, respectively, could be due to insufficient cleaning work done at Salisbury after the attack on the Skripal.

Javid urged Russia, the country that London accuses of attack on the Skripal, to explain what happened.

"The eyes of the world are in Russia right now, not just for the World Cup," said the politician, while accusing Moscow of trying to "undermine" the security of the United Kingdom and from the international, in general.

Russia has always denied any involvement in the poisoning of Sergei Skripal and his daughter, and the Kremlin today described as "alarming" the new case of poisoning in Wiltshire County. in the UK where, according to London, the same poisonous agent was used with which the former Russian spy was attacked.

The Russian exespía, 67, and his daughter, 33, were poisoned on March 4 with the poisonous agent Novichok in an attack the British government was orchestrated by Russia

in retaliation, the United Kingdom has expelled dozens of Russian diplomats, while Moscow denied any connection to the facts and did the same with British diplomats

at the Salisbury District Hospital, before 39 to be released on April 10 and May 18.

With the information of EFE


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