Palazuelos, on the verge of suing Luis Miguel for "slanders" in the series | who


As he himself had stated, Roberto Palazuelos was not very happy with the episode 10 of Luis Miguel, in which a scene was projected during of which "Bobby", the character who represents him, and Luis Miguel fight and tell each other several truths, among them, that Palazuelos could never be him and that he traveled the world at the expense of Micky.

The way the story was presented in the Palazuelos pretty disturbed bioseries So much so that it was not so long ago, he was thinking of taking legal action against Luis Miguel . In this regard, we are looking for the actor to talk about the subject.

"At first I was upset and I thought about it, but the truth is stupid, but I think that Luis Miguel must be very careful with his second series (season) because this little thing that they put there are fictional characters, that's not going to protect him from civil proceedings, because for example, in my case, already at the moment they said my character, a novel, that the cart that explodes, that the antagonist, that later I come back and It is already very clear that it is me, and it already causes me harm, "says the actor." If I could to prove it with scenes from the novel, with witnesses and things to a jurisdictional authority, believe me, I would go on.well, Luis Miguel would bring a headache of three or four years so he has to be careful. "

So, are you going to sue him?
In my case, it will not happen. The truth, I have great admiration as an artist, I like it a lot, I remember the times and I would not do it, but there has been a moment where I've been there. I was upset and I came to think about it because it does not work. Then he has to pay attention later to what he says about women, that he says important personalities, because they can submit him to a procedure that could even force the series to delete the scenes. We are talking about real people. At the moment I am no longer a child, I have a son who is a teenager and I have to take care of the image with my son and other people.

How many things, good or bad, did it generate for you?
The series is a hit and has given me a lot of publicity, but they also told me things that are a lie, that they caused insults in networks and things like that.

For example?
The first thing that happened to me was that they started saying that I was a gossip because I had told Micky that Marianita (Yazbek) was with Negro González (Iñárritu), who had been me and the donkey (Van Rankin). And just to clarify that I did not go to Yuri's wedding, that the donkey did not go to Yuri's wedding, and that Negro González Iñárritu was not either, then they are out of place The second was Baby & # 39; O.

What do you attribute to having treated it so in the series?
I think what happens is this: the writers, very keen, put on to see the friends that he had in life and said: well, who are famous, El Burro and Roberto. We are going to put a candle in there. They put things in the ass of another friend and they put me things from another friend because it is not the same as Luis Miguel with his friend Mariano, to tell you something, nobody knows him, to fight with me. [ad_2]
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