SFP penalties to eight officials by adit in Paso Express


The Ministry of Public Administration (SFP) imposed sanctions on eight officials, seven from the SCT and one from Conagua, following the resolution of 21 administrative liability procedures for the tunnel which was opened in the past July 12, 2017 in the express passage of Cuernavaca Morelos and which claimed the lives of two persons

Penalties according to the level of responsibility determined by the function public, ranging from suspensions and temporary dismissals, to disqualifications for the exercise of the public service for periods of three months, one and ten years.

The SFP explained that seven of the sanctioned officials are attached to the SCT and another to the National Water Commission ( Conagua ), and occupy positions of residents, general resident, Deputy Director, Deputy Director General and Director General

. the date has resolved 21 out of a total of 24 proceedings, for the events of July 2017.

"In this way, a process that included an audit and the beginning of several investigation files, in part by l & # 39; 39; Control Unit and Public Works Audit of the FPS, and internal control bodies of the Ministry of Communications and Transport, the National Water Commission and the National Bank of Public Works and Services. "


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