A rescuer dies in a cave


Mae Sai, Thailand.- A Thai rescuer working to rescue teenagers trapped in a cave in Thailand died of lack of oxygen when he tried to return to the command center, reported the authorities today.

shadow in the hope of being able to remove the 12 children members of a football team and their coach, living alive Monday.

The former Thai Navy member died Friday at 2:00 am due to shortness of breath when returning to the command center, located two kilometers inside the cave, where the children and their trainer were dragged on June 23rd.

"After delivering an oxygen reserve, on his return, he had enough oxygen," said Chiang Rai 's vice president, Passakorn Boonyaluck.

According to a new medical report, which reported CNN, two of the children, and the coach, is not He was healthy to leave soon, because of the exhaustion and malnutrition.

The dramatic search and rescue operation of the boys seemed to be coming to an end when a team of British and Thai divers found them on Monday, in a small

However, the news of the death of the rescuer, and the fact that not all prisoners are doing well, complicates the panorama, since they should dive through several kilometers of tunnels. dangerously flooded. "What worries us the most, is the weather .If it rains again, our efforts could suffer a setback, as happened once," said the commander of the Rescue mission, Narongsak Osotthanakorn, at a press conference. The weather forecast indicated the possibility of heavy rains within five days

Kobchai Boonarana, deputy director general of the Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation, said that it belongs to the relief team in the cave to decide when they will be strong enough to undertake the exit. Large amounts of water are pumped out of the cave, but many narrow passages are still flooded. It took 11 hours for the rescuers to make a round trip between the entrance to the cave and the location of the group, then return.

Classmates pointed out, according to CNN, that the Tham Luang Nang caves known to be a dangerous place and not allowed to go there, especially in the monsoon season, which ends in October. For the moment, the 12 children and the coach have managed to communicate with their families, according to a rescuer of the EFE.

Shipwrecks. Another tragedy struck yesterday in Thailand, where the authorities were looking for 53 Chinese tourists yesterday whose boat capsized in front of the tourist island of Phuket. 105 passengers were traveling on the ship.

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