Skullgirls 2nd Encore for Nintendo Switch announced


Lab Zero Games announced as part of the Anime Expo 2018 nothing less than Skullgirls 2nd Encore for Nintendo Switch. For the moment, there is no date.

The Nintendo Home / Laptop Console is becoming an excellent system for combat game fans. While more 3D titles are needed in the style of Tekken or Soulcalibur the arena fighters brawlers or the 2D classics vie with each other for that is wide. And whoever joins them at any given time is nothing less than Skullgirls 2nd Encore for Nintendo Switch . The announcement was made by Lab Zero Games as part of Anime Expo 2018 .

After it was announced that Indivisible would come to the system, I thought it was a matter of time before the same thing happened with Skullgirls . And if we have in mind that independent games are very well received in this platform, the insurance will be fine in this respect. It should be noted that 2nd Encore is an improved version compared to the original which was released in 2012.

For the moment there are not many d & # 39; Information on 2nd Skullgirls Still for Nintendo Switch . But one must imagine that it will be similar to the console versions of Sony and Microsoft . In his first incarnation, the game brought eight fighters: Filia Cerebella Peacock Parasoul Fortune Painwheel Valentine and Double . Later, five more were added as DLC: Squigly Big Band Eliza Beowulf and Robo-Fortune

Later he was added to Fukua a clone of Filia which gained so much appreciation from the fans that it was held in this title. The version that will reach the Big N console will include the 14 characters created up to now. This is why it is considered the final delivery of this title. It includes a full story mode with voice, and a soundtrack of the famous composer Michiru Yamane .

She was commissioned to musicalise several of the titles of the saga of Castlevania . Fortunately, more details will soon be given on Skullgirls 2nd Encore for Nintendo Switch . Among these, specific options, such as using the mode table or additional reflection for the system. The trailer that accompanies this note does not match this version, but gives an idea of ​​what to expect.

Thanks to ResetEra for the report. Could it be that Arc System Works will help Lab Zero Games to publish this game?

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