HIV cases increase: MPs ask Piñera to set up free tests in higher education


Alarming figures on the contagion of the HIV / AIDS virus led the Chamber of Deputies to approve the establishment of free tests in higher education institutions

The deputies voted in favor of this proposal in which President Sebastián is solicited Piñera will charge the Ministries of Health and Education, signing agreements with universities, technical training centers and professional institutes, in order to offer to their students, teachers and officials, conducting quick, free and voluntary exams. The text, approved unanimously by 141 votes, also requires the delivery of brochures and instructions that provide information on the various tools for preventing the spread of sexually transmitted infections.

resolution, is to reduce the high rates of contagion whose figures, contributed by the AIDS Center of the Hospita l Clinic of the University of Chile, show increases of 96, 200 and 300 % between 2010 and 2017, respectively for HIV, syphilis and gonorrhea.

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