Households reduce their consumption of domestic goods


Private consumption is the portion of the income that families in Mexico allocate to the purchase of goods or services of imported or domestic origin, it is the largest component of the GDP of the country. demand side, and presented an annual rate variation of 1.64% in April 2018, significantly lower than that of March of the same year (4.46%).

In the monthly indicator of private consumption in the domestic market (IMCPMI), the component that has the most decreased that of goods and services generated in the country, which was 4.32% in March 2018 and it's contracted in April, reaching 1.22%.

Household spending was reduced, especially for the acquisition of domestic goods consumption of these recorded a variation of 0.53% after reaching 6.42% the previous month

According to the seasonally adjusted figures of Inegi (National Institute of Statistics and Geography), the only positive result was the consumption of services The GDP growth rate was 2.30% in April 2018, compared with 2 , 01% in March

. Mexican families have also reduced their spending on the purchase of goods abroad; in the third month of the year, the annual growth of this component was 7.24% and in April it was reduced to 3.39%.

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