The criticism received by "El Mijis" will go to Conapred


SAN LUIS POTOSÍ, SLP., (UNIVERSAL) .- After the wave of criticism in social networks for the triumph of the candidate of the local deputy Pedro Carrizales Becerra, known as "El Mijis", for its appearance and history, the case will be forwarded to the National Council for the Prevention of Discrimination (Conapred) by the State Commission on Human Rights (ECHR).

The President of the ECHR, Jorge Andrés López Espinosa, deplores the facts and underlines that the first the Constitution establishes that any form of discrimination is prohibited, so he issued a general appeal to respect and avoid the comments of this nature.

He explained that the agency will not be able to initiate an investigation in this regard. recommendations to government institutions and in this case the majority of attacks were carried out by individuals through social networks.

Meanwhile, Carrizales Becerra CR he can continue to cause controversy, because in his projects, he plans to eliminate the criminal record for petty offenses and regulate companies to avoid discriminating against people with these history.

"As we know, there are people unjustly detained. crimes must not criminalize them. This is not a lie, there are people who are preparing to fly to the stores.

He said that a real social reintegration was necessary and that the police had a training in emotion management, a police mediator to dialogue with young gangs, which gives confidence and resolves conflicts.

Knows that in order to achieve this he needs the accompaniment of advisers and other ideas that you want to convert into laws and repeat patterns that have already worked, like the one that was done with the Cummins company , who supported it in a productive project for the youth occupation.

He says his job will be to achieve a true culture of peace in his neighborhood, to reclaim public spaces, to change the urban image and to "tie hands with Carrizales Becerra notes that he will ask He also asserts that he will denounce any irregularity detected in the administration of resources, since he seeks that is the "group" that decides the money invested by the city council.He has many projects that he has in mind

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