Heat is also an enemy of pets


One of the great enemies of summer dogs, cats, small rodents, birds and ferrets are the 'heat stroke'. If for humans it is hard to imagine imagining those who have no voice to complain about.

Although the heat has been slow to appear, we are at the beginning of July and at that moment the heat is a real drama for all living beings. High temperatures are difficult to transport; but for pets too. Not only because of their fur (when the sun is tightening, they are not saved, in the case of dogs or cats, nor in long hair or short hair), but also in their defense mechanisms against the high temperatures. In the case of dogs, they do not sweat and their only way to regulate their temperature is panting and padding their legs.

Arrived these times not only must be prevented; but also know how to identify it to stop while you go immediately to the vet. In the case of dogs, putting them away from a "heat stroke" is simple. The animal must have fresh (not cold) water on a constant basis and avoid being exposed to the sun during the hours of greatest solar energy; as well as avoid doing any type of exercise that can make you raise the temperature. In this way, walks in the area will be left for the early hours of the morning or at sunset to avoid disgusts. In case we would go with him in the car, this must be refrigerated and if it is a long trip, make small stops from time to time and give him a drink. Never! and for no reason, leave the dog alone in the car … if it is, he condemns his faithful friend to certain death.

Attention to symptoms
According to veterinarians consulted, the main symptoms of a "heat stroke" "In a dog are: a body temperature above 42 º, an extreme thirst, an abundant saliva, vomiting, accelerated breathing (this is the way to identify that your heart is running faster than usual), tongue and gums very pale red, trembling, general laziness. Faced with these symptoms, the first thing is hydration and go to the vet. A "heat stroke" if it is not taken in time can cause serious health problems to our pet and even, as we have said, death. As a measure of urgency while we are going to the vet, it is best to refresh it, for example, with a hose; but the water should not be frozen, to help you lose heat. In addition to wet your legs (the thermoregulation system goes through the pads) with water and alcohol, it will refresh you. It is also necessary to give him to drink, without forcing him, that it is he who does it; but still under our control.

Once we see that it is stabilized forever to go to the vet since this sudden rise in temperature could have damaged an organ. An animal can not be lowered suddenly, it must be done little by little. There are those who catch the poor animal and plunge it into icy water, that's crazy! because it causes heat shock and can produce hypothermia almost worse than a hyperthermia.

Feline heat
Cats protect themselves against high temperatures by panting and licking their skin. The normal body temperature of the cat is about 38.2 to 39.2 degrees. "Heat stroke" can lead to organ dysfunction, coma and even death. How to avoid it? As in the case of your dogs "friends", very carefully. Never leave the animal in a parked car even in the colder months. If you are outdoors (in a garden for example) be sure to have some shade spots where it can escape the sun and excessive heat (in any case, check that it is at in the shade and if not, it's better to have at home the hottest hours.)

In the case of living alone inside, look for a cool place and never on a terrace with glass. Check that the cat has fresh water at all times. A great place is a room with air conditioning or a fan … if it's a pleasure for us it's a pleasure for them. Any pet can develop a "heat stroke", but some may be riskier, such as: Persians, "old", very young, sick, pregnant cats and "chubby".

They spend the heat
The summer is a difficult time for rabbits and other small rodents because they do not tolerate heat well and suffer a lot of high temperatures to the point of dying of a "heatstroke". Experts in small rodents recommend that during these months their behavior be monitored during the hot months. These become more inactive than usual, it is normal because I drink more water and I prefer to eat vegetables and fruits before thinking. This is the recommended diet for these summer seasons. From 20 º is when they can start having problems. Do not immerse the animal in cold water, it is best to wet your ears (that's where they release heat) and your body with cool water and take it immediately as in other cases at the veterinarian

try because the cage with the rabbit is not exposed directly to the sun, it must be in the shade or at the place most fresh from the house (yes, without drafts). Keep in mind that the sun changes position throughout the day, so you must be very careful and always be in the shade. If there is a fan in the area, try not to take in air directly. Put a wet towel on the cage, so that air passes through the towel and provides fresh air (in case of extreme heat).

Birds and ferrets cages
With birds such as canaries, parakeets and other birds The cage must also take great care because they are very sensitive to high temperatures. It must be tried that the place in which the cage is at a temperature not higher than the 20th and always in the shade (this does not directly give the sun). You have to be very careful with fans and air conditioners: the currents are harmful and you should avoid having air directly.

Because of the heat, parasites and bacteria are more common, so that there is a danger of infection for animals. It is recommended to clean the cage every day, as well as to remove leftover fruits or vegetables twice a day and to change the water in the morning and in the middle of the afternoon. In addition, put a small bath or plastic container with water for the animal to give a small "dip" that will help you cool down. Finally, ferrets are very delicate animals compared to high temperatures.

The cold supports them better; but with the heat, the thing is quite different. The "heat stroke" in these cute little animals (when they exceed 27 °, there is a risk that they enter hyperthermia) supposes the loss of reserves of sugar and body salts. Ferrets can not regulate their temperature by sweating because they lack sweat glands. They can only regulate their temperature by panting, sweating, removing them by the pads of their legs or by licking them with their hair. Experts recommend a series to avoid "heat stroke" have them during the hours of more sun in the twilight zones, check that the stems always have fresh water (not cold) and clean, among others.

Tips for when the heat gets tight
If we go on vacation with them and find a place where our pet is welcome – another day we will talk about Pet Friendly or what is the same something that pets – as they say with care), water and fun, yes without disturbing anyone and respecting the rules. From Kiwoko, they offer a series of products to enjoy a fun and refreshing day. For example: a portable charger (€ 9.99) that can be completely folded in a comfortable and easy way. It's ideal for traveling and keeping cool water all day. Also a soft microfiber towel for resting (€ 6.99).

If you do not have a nearby beach to relieve high temperatures, there are also different options to help your pet stay cool during these days as the heat gets tighter. An example of this is the refreshing Summer Vibes blanket (from € 16.99, depending on the size). Its technology has an inner layer of foam impregnated with gel to rest without letting the heat through. A refreshing drinker (€ 8.99) that keeps the water cool for five hours; an ice toy with a bone shape (6,99 €), which helps to fight the heat in the most fun way thanks to the fact that the water can freeze inside.

Source: https: //www.abc. fr / society / animals / abci-heat-also-enemy-animals-201807070605_noticia.html

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