Big Data, AI, Machine Learning and other buzzwords | News from El Salvador


The world of technology is no stranger to fads and the truth is that it is necessary to label the different trends and technologies that shape progress. However, it is also abused and the marketing areas of IT solutions companies tend to use them and trade them to seem to match customer expectations.

But in reality, what does this mean in simple terms for the common user? ? Is it useful for everyone?

The term Big Data for example is not new, but it still creates a lot of confusion. Big Data is the driving force of different waves of digital transformation such as artificial intelligence and data science

What is Big Data?

It all starts with the first computers that digitize the data that existed until then on paper Then Internet, then the mobile era and finally with the Internet of Things the generation of data grows exponentially. Currently, in two days, the same amount of data generated from the beginning of the year until the year 2000. Big Data refers to the ability to collect structured and unstructured data from multiple sources for the sole purpose of analyzing it and being able to reveal patterns, correlations and trends to predict a result in any field, including companies.

Previously, all information was contained in spreadsheets and databases. What was not structured and ordered was ignored. Nowadays, thanks to advances in storage technologies and analytical tools, other types of data can be stored, such as photographs, videos, audio recordings and data from sensors. Big Data projects are born to get an idea of ​​all this data from all these sources using advanced analysis tools and models of predictive analysis, artificial intelligence and more. machine learning

What is Predictive Analytics? it applies mathematical models to predict what will happen in the future. Tools often use artificial intelligence and machine learning

What is artificial intelligence or AI, for its acronym in English?

This is the concept that describes machines performing tasks intelligently, that is equal to natural intelligence of the human. This is having a visual perception, making decisions and recognizing natural language among other things.

What is Machine Learning or ML, for its acronym in English?

This is an AI application that defines computer programming. learn, this way instead of programming what to do is given access to all information and let them learn.

The benefits of these technologies are not distant or exclusive of gigantic projects oriented on subjects such as climate, biomedicine. Every day we are immersed in applications that are behind ML. The most common and old in which Amazon is the pioneer is in the personalized shopping experience. Before, Amazon offered a product similar to the one that had been seen or bought. Now, with ML, you can predict not only what you want, but when you want it and offer something that was not necessarily planned. On the other hand, customer service and support are more efficient and targeted, fraud reduction issues use the BA to detect crimes quickly. Google with its new application uses AI not only to offer those that appeal to the user, but also to organize the sequence of news generated in real time around an event.

Obviously, all access to our data has sparked controversy and abuse of them, recently in political issues for example in the United States. As consumers, we need to be aware of the information we want to disclose, the applications we want to access and at what level. Regulators will need to update themselves and demand greater transparency from the different entities that will use the data because the benefits are much higher than the costs.

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