More than eight million babies are born through artificial fertilization


A study shows a growth in the birth of babies by different assisted reproductive technologies and was developed from data collected by regional registers

El Universal

Barcelona .- More than 8 Millions of babies have been born in the world through assisted procreation since the birth of the first test tube 40 years ago, Louise Brown according to a study presented today at the congress of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (Eshre) in Barcelona

Louise Brown, the first baby conceived through in vitro fertilization in the world, was born on July 25, 1978 at the Oldham General Hospital (United Kingdom). United), after a design led by Cambridge breeding biologist Robert Edwards – the founding founder of Eshre – and Oldham gynecologist Patrick Steptoe.

Assisted reproduction ranks third in tourism EDICION IN MEXICO

The prices of this type of treatment range from 18 thousand pesos for artificial insemination to nearly 120 thousand pesos for a treatment of # 39; ovodonation

The experts who make up the international committee that monitors the progress of this system estimated that more than half a million children are born each year through various reproductive techniques, on a total of two million assisted reproductive treatments each year.

The study reveals that Spain is maintained as the most active country in assisted reproduction in Europe, with a record 119 875 treatment cycles recorded in 2015, ahead of Russia, the United States. France and Germany.

The latest report prepared by Eshre, which includes all fertility treatments in 2015 at the European level, has collected nearly 800,000 cycles and 157,449 births.

Among other findings, the study notes a preference among European clinics by the technique of Intracytoplasmic Injection (ICSI) on In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), a model that breeds in the rest of the world.

On the other hand, according to the study, the pregnancy rate for both treatments was stabilized at 36%, and increases when five-day embryos (blastocysts) are used, instead of those with three days.

The rate of pregnancies that occur from egg donation continues to increase and rises to 50%, while twin pregnancies have decreased in Europe, reaching 14% in 2015.

In this regard, the chairman of the Eshre Commission, Christian de Geyter, He explained that "the success rates have stabilized, although the result in the donation of eggs and l? use of frozen embryos continues to advance. "

However, the greatest increase comes from treatments with frozen eggs, promoted by the introduction of the vitrification technique in the world

According to De Geyter, the availability of assisted procreation treatments remains "very uneven" in Europe , Denmark and Belgium offering more than 2,500 treatment cycles per million inhabitants, while other countries such as Austria and Italy offer "considerably less".


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