They receive evidence from the majority of Morena's elected senators in Tamaulipas


Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas- The candidates of the coalition "Together we will make history" Américo Villarreal Anaya and Guadalupe Covarrubias received by the National Electoral Institute [19659003] (INE) the record of the majority that accredits them as senators elected by Tamaulipas.

At 19:15 on Sunday, they went to receive the certificate in the facilities of INE in Ciudad Victoria, after a long process of re-registration "Together we will fulfill the commitments for a better country and a better Tamaulipas", at- he says in his message to American supporters Villarreal Anaya.

Friday began a recount that ended Saturday night, where the Villarreal and Anaya formula got the most votes in favor, but as the difference with second place was less than 1% , the INE applied another recount of 10% of the total minutes, this To confirm the trend

Sunday, the last stage of the counting of votes was carried out, confirming the triumph of the candidates Morena-PSE-PT , with a total of 610,306 votes.

The second place went to the coalition "Por México al Frente", with the formula of Ismael García Cabeza de Vaca and Maria Elena Figueroa, who obtained 605,418 votes; and third, the PRI, with 294 thousand 243 votes.


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