4 cave rescues in Thailand


Mae Sai, Thailand – Four of the 12 children who were trapped in a cave in Thailand for more than two weeks were saved, relief units reported yesterday.

Two ambulances had left the ambulance shortly before. in northern Thailand, where 12 players from a youth football team had been trapped for more than two weeks with their coach.

Ambulances went to a nearby heliport, and from there a helicopter took off. The authorities had previously warned that the helicopters were ready to take any rescued person to the hospital.

The rescue operation began yesterday morning, authorities said, noting that "today is D-day".

The acting governor of Chiang Rai Province, Narongsak Osatanakorn, said the operation "is better than expected."

He explained that the youths were first released in better physical condition, and that the next phase of the operation will begin in about 10 or 20 hours.

Thirteen foreign divers and five Thais are involved in the rescue, and two divers will accompany each child during the evacuation, which will be gradual, said the interim governor. The operation began at 10:00 am, the president added.

The entire release operation of 13 people could take between two and four days depending on the weather and water conditions, explained the general. Chalongchai Chaiyakam

The only way out of Tham Luang Nang Cave in the Chiang Rai area is through narrow, dark passages filled with muddy water, strong currents and low concentrations of oxygen. .

A former member of the Thai Navy's special teams died on this road on Friday.

Experts in cave rescues felt that diving was the last option, especially with untrained people like children. It is considered that the road is particularly complicated by the twists in the narrow passages flooded.

But the governor who oversees the mission said earlier that the good weather and the descent of the water level in recent days had created the optimal conditions for an underwater evacuation, which would not be maintained for a long time. It's still raining.

Before announcing the start of the rescue, the authorities told the dozens of mass media around the world gathered in front of the cave to leave

The boys, aged between 11 and 16 years and their coach of 25 years, were trapped when they went to explore the cave after a training match on June 23rd. The monsoon floods blocked their exit and prevented rescuers from finding them for nearly 10 days.

Authorities said that the expected monsoon rains could increase the level of water in the cave, which added the drop in the level of oxygen in the space, gave a feeling emergency to the rescue. Previous efforts to pump water from the cave suffered a setback whenever there was a heavy downpour.

From Chile, where 33 miners were rescued a few years ago after being trapped for several weeks, President Sebastián Piñera sent a tweet with his best wishes for the rescue:

"May God accompany the rescue children from Thailand, as he accompanied us in the rescue of our 33 miners, "wrote the president.

Tunnels owned by Elon Musk in California said they had their technicians in place, ready to help.

"We will offer any help that the authorities deem useful," said Sam Teller, spokesman for Boring Co.

Musk. , famous for its space travel company Space X, had already said that the company was designing a small submarine capable of getting in and out the trapped kids.

The Case

• Twelve children aged 11 to 16, and their 25-year-old coach, were trapped in the cave on June 23

• Flood blocked their way out

• Rescuers found them almost 10 days later

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