Solar panel users will be able to sell energy to the CFE


The Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) withdrew the application for amparo filed against the provisions of generation distributed which materializes the possibility that the Solar panel users can sell electricity to the commission.

Since March 2017, the general administrative provisions of have divided the output which would allow users of photovoltaic panel installations, less than 500 kilowatts, to consume their own solar energy and even sell to the CFE their surplus under the regime known as Net Billing .

A month later, ] CFE The basic service provider filed a amparo against these provisions, arguing for possible damages to its revenues arising from these provisions. 19659002] For a little more than a year from this resource, CFE Basic Service Provider adheres to the administrative provisions of the Energy Regulation Commission ( CRE ), established in the Law of Energetic transition.

The National Association of Solar Energy welcomed the decision of the CFE, considering that it will trigger the growth of the sector.

"For the ANES amparo removal is a sample of maturity that has reached the market of decentralized production.We are convinced that the areas of opportunity, that the provisions offer, will be handled properly by the regulator, so this sector grows 200 percent or more, "said the association in a statement.

The ANES added that it is essential to include the prosumers (producers / consumers) and users of electric power in the fight against climate change which also generates quality jobs for Mexicans.

In addition, the association estimated that to increase the growth of the generation distributed by 2030 can reach 19 thousand megavities, as well as the generation of more than one million jobs in this sector.

The ANES noted that various experts in the sector, they expressed dissatisfaction with the amparo promoted by the CFE, which was joined by some political actors because it generated uncertainty about Photovoltaic market According to their figures, in the country there are 420,000 users with a high consumption rate, in addition to 3 million small and medium enterprises that are ideal candidates to install solar panels and connect under the schemes of Net Billing (net business figure), Net Metering (net billing) and total sale whose investment would fall between four and seven years.

2017, the net measurement increased by 92 percent in the number of interconnections and 63 in installed capacity, which equates to 28,000 new contracts, to approach the accumulated 60,000 and exceed 400 megawatts of capacity installed.



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