Allegations "Goteras" steal weapons from SSP-CDMX elements


09 July 2018

SSP-CDMX has issued an alert to all its service stations


Two women, allegedly members of "Las Goteras", have stolen five agents of the Secretariat of Public Security of Mexico City (SSP-CDMX) guarding a police warehouse

According to the El Universal report, the events occurred a few meters from the Venustiano Carranza delegation, Sunday afternoon, when the agents invited five women to " live together". "In the hold."

According to gendarmes, they live with women when they have lost consciousness. When they woke up, around 11 pm they noticed the robbery and called their superiors.

The two women, one of them identified as Susana Hernndez, stole a total: a 30mm Winchester M2 caliber; two 12 mm Mossberg shotguns; a 9mm pistol square Taurus brand and another Smith & Wesson brand of the same caliber;

The director of the police station, Gilberto Hernndez, said that I had met Hernndez 20 days ago as part of an operation against drug trafficking. Since then, they have relationships and friendship.

In addition, capital authorities have a cell phone in which appear photographs of officials, who were left in the jacket of one of the officials.

After the facts, the SSP-CDMX issued an alert to all its service stations in which it prohibits the invitation to civilians in police facilities.

With information from El Universal

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