Create an App to Purchase Liquefied Petroleum Gas


  Creating an application to purchase liquefied petroleum gas

Propane gas vehicle. Photo: Cuartoscuro


AmiGasLP is a technological application that allows Mexican consumers to locate distributors of GPL who give service in its localities and surrounding areas, compare prices and quality reviews made by other users, as well as check whether distributors have permission from Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE) and if the vehicles that they use have the corresponding license

This technological application is now available in the Apple Store and Google Play stores as well free .

Users downloading AmiGasLP will have access to the following functions:

In section "Find your dealer":

-Bus by location

-Number of Contact for Ordering

-Filter the results to see only distributors selling on tank-containers or transportable containers

-Information on bottle capacities offered by distributors

Make citizen reports in the section "Find your distributor" if:

-Sales price is higher than price indicated by request

-Dispensers refuse service

– Not issued a note or Receipt of purchase

-The contact telephone number is incorrect

-The emergency telephone number is incorrect

In section "Check allowed "

-To verify that the vehicles used to transport liquefied petroleum gas are authorized by the CRE:

-The registration plates of the vehicle must be registered

-If the vehicle has an authorization, AmiGasLP will show the license and the mark that must be tagged there

To make citizen reports in section "Check Vehicle Authorization "if:

-The vehicle does not have permission, with the possibility of including photographs of the vehicle

-The vehicle has permission, but the recorded data does not do not match those marked

Finally, it includes a section on tips for more efficient and safe use of the vehicle. Liquefied petroleum gas.


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